This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


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Honoring His Legacy: King Kamehameha the Great Bicentennial Event


From Uncle Mel Kalahiki…

Honoring His Legacy
King Kamehameha the Great
A Bicentennial Event
1810 – 2010
July 24, 2010

From: Alii `Ihilani Kalahiki, Pu`ukohola Heiau Ohana
(808-236-3636 or 808-306-8132)

As you all know this year is the 200th anniversary of the meeting between Kamehameha and the Kauai chief, Kaumuali`i, at Honolulu Harbor. I had planned a commemorative event for late July, but due to a lack of funds and few volunteers, I have had to change plans. Instead we are planning a gathering at the King Kamehameha statue on Saturday, July 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m:

1. Ka ni ka `pa hu, a me ka `Pu. Opening chant to Kamehameha, mele Hawaii Pono i.
2. Chanting of Kaumuali`i ‘s genealogy and the surrender ceremony. (olelo)
3. The Challenge for the future. (Politics w/transparency in the affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom.)
4. Understanding the past; (The missionaries of 1820, Moses Kekuaiwa, Timoteo Ha`alilio, 1808-1844.)
5. Hawaii land tenure/Ceded Lands/Hawaiian Home Lands and the Crown lands.
6. Restitution: Let us talk about this topic and see where it goes. The Illegal Overthrow, the colonization, and American genocide.

I hope that many of you are able to attend and share your thoughts and ideas; keeping in mind the historic event that united our Pae Moku.

I recently wrote to President Obama with a proposal to use the power of his Executive Order to separate the Office of Hawaiian Affairs from the State of Hawaii. This means that OHA will operate as its own entity and becomes the Hawaiian Kingdom.

The State of Hawaii will be nonexistent in seven to ten years. All official departments would be relinquished to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

There would be a presence of the U.S. Federal Government on the land that they are currently occupying (such as the military bases), but that would be only on terms of a lease rent, under a treaty, to be negotiated the year 2060. Payment made to Hawaiian Kingdom in gold.

We are giving the President the options of removing the word ILLEGAL from historic Documents in congress. Also, The Native Hawaiian Reorganizing Act is no longer needed.

The Hawaiian Kingdom was put in place by King Kamehameha the Great. And with this historic event he ended all wars that were fought for hundreds of years here on Oahu. He established two seats of power, one in Honolulu and the other at Papaenaena Heiau in Waikiki.

To this end, our next meeting will be at Pu`ukohola Heiau in August, 2010
We will honor all our Ali`i’s at Iolani Palace, September, 4th 2010
Honoring the place where our Ali`i’s lived, Royal Hawaiian to Papaenaena Heiau
Report of findings, Kawaihao Church, December 2010

We honor all the participants that brought Peace and a Nation

E na`i wale no`oukou, I ku`u pono`a`ole pau.”
Strive to pursue my unfinished good deeds”
Kamehameha Ekahi
A Sovereign and a true Statesman

Projects that need funding
Kaniakapupu, Kamehameha III Summer Place
(stabilize the building, and access and the lo`i)

At The Entrance to Pu`ukohola Heiau NHS, Kawaihae, HI
Site Plan on Queen Emma Foundation Construction Staging Property, Big Island, HI

The Pathway to Heaven”
Hawaiian Cultural Learning Center
Kawaihae, Hawai`i
Melvin Kalahiki, Ali`i `Ihilani, Pu`ukohola Heiau (Chairperson)
Melvin Kalahiki, Jr Ali`i Nui, Pu`ukohola Heiau (Co-Chairperson)

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