Ruth Ke'elikolani Princess Diaries
about the PBS special on Princess Ruth
Ke'elikolani, this one from the
may well be true that Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani's famously retrograde
sensibilities have relegated her to the margins of Hawaiian history. But as the
latest installment of PBS'
series suggests, Ke'elikolani's fierce commitment to the native
people, culture and language of Hawai'i — not to mention her
administration of the massive land holdings that would eventually constitute
much of Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate — make her an
intriguing subject for contemporary scholars and an unlikely role model for
Hawaiian activists."In a bold move
appreciative of Ke'elikolani's loyalty to her native language, the show's
producers have prepared both English and Hawaiian-language versions of
Biography Hawai'i: Ruth
Ke'elikolani. The half-hour shows will be
shown back-to-back Wednesday starting at 8 p.m., and again on Saturday at the
same time."
Posted: Mon - June 7, 2004 at 10:06 AM