Haunani-Kay Trask in Sweden's top daily
Haunani-Kay Trask is featured in an article
about Hawaii in today's Sunday edition of Sweden's top daily newspaper,
Nyheter, by Swedish freelance writer Anders
Mathlein (hat tip to Ed Rampell). Perhaps Rolf or another Swedish support can
translate for us, or at least the highlights? It obviously says something about
Hawaiian history and issues, but beyond that I'm clueless. Wonder if it mentions
the treaty
of "perpetual friendship" which says: "His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway
engages to respect in time of war the neutral rights of the Hawaiian Kingdom and
to use his good offices with all other powers, having treaties with His Majesty
the King of the Hawaiian Islands, to induce them to adopt the same policy
towards the Hawaiian Kingdom."
Posted: Sun - November 6, 2005 at 05:30 PM