Ka Pae 'Aina

Pae `Aina O Hawai`i Nei (the Hawaiian Archipelago) comprises 132 islands, reefs
and shoals, stretching 1,523 miles (2,451 kilometers) southeast to northwest
across the Tropic of Cancer between 154 40' to 178 25' W longitude and 18 54' to
28 15' N latitude, consisting approximately of a total land area of 6,425 square
miles (16,642 square kilometers), including 1 percent of less than six square
miles of land area made up of islands off the shores of the main islands and the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, from Kure Atoll in the North to Nihoa in the
South, also Palmyra Island, Midway and Wake Islands, and all Lands that have
resided with the Kanaka Maoli since time immemorial. The Hawaiian Islands form
an Archipelago, which extends over a vast area of the Pacific Ocean, possessing
a 12 mile Territorial Sea, and the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone, in
accordance with generally recognized standards of international
law."-- Proclamation of
Restoration, January 16, 1994
Posted: Mon - January 16, 2006 at 11:45 PM