Framing: Hawaiian Sovereignty

I want to share something I got from a friend who I have known a many years, but I wasn't aware of his family history. He's responding to my message about Bumpy, versions of which I have also emailed out. Here's the "point number 3" in the email:
3) Bumpy makes clear that his primary mission is to protect and support the Kanaka 'Oiwi, the Native Hawaiian people. At the same time, Bumpy is inclusive, both personally and politically. Because of his leadership, those of us non-Hawaiians involved in the Nation of Hawaii were made to feel totally welcomed and trusted as part of the family. And he has always emphasized the point that the Hawaiian kingdom was, is and will be a multi-racial inclusive country based on nationality, not race; that racial division was imposed from outside; that non-Hawaiians have an important role to play in the restoration; and that the Hawaiian movement must also protect the rights and well-being of all the innocent people who also love Hawaii.

Here's his response:
Thanks for the info on Bumpy. I appreciate it. As a citizen of the nation of Hawaii (great grandfather born in the nation and a supporter of the monarchy thereafter) who is not a native Hawaiian, I especially appreciate your point number 3. I feel strongly that the primary reason sovereignty has not been re-achieved is that it is now being framed as a racial issue. It is not a racial issue. It is an issue among nations, and sovereignty will not be achieved fully unless it is achieved on that basis.

This person is not a "sovereignty activist" in any sense, he is not Native Hawaiian, yet he is 100% behind what he considers his country, the Hawaiian Kingdom, as long as he can be a part of it. I think there are many more out there like him (several others have expressed very similar sentiments to me in the past), mostly silent supporters who consider themselves Hawaiian Nationals and honor the nationality passed down to them.

The "frame" of race was imposed by the U.S. It didn't come from the Hawaiians. But now they have, in large part out of necessity, bought into it. But the only way they can get their country back is to get their minds and their message out of that frame.

That does not mean thinking of themselves as any less indigenous, native, oiwi, kanaka maoli, or supporting programs for in that regard—but just realizing that that isn't one and the same as their nationality, and that nationality is the foundation of not only their legal right, but also the political popular support that is necessary to actually make the restoration of an effective independent government a reality.

Posted: Fri - October 27, 2006 at 09:18 PM    
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Published On: Oct 29, 2006 10:53 AM
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