Statehood - Celebration or Investigation?

More from the Advertiser on the planning for the 50th anniversary of statehood in 2009.
The state House Tourism and Culture Committee unanimously approved a bill yesterday to create a 12-member commission to plan and coordinate the 2009 event, which could cost $250,000.

There hasn't been a lot of noise at public hearings on the measure, but rumblings have already started among independent-minded Hawaiians, a vocal minority that sees statehood as a painful reminder of what they have lost in terms of culture, language, land and sovereignty.

"They shouldn't be celebrating it," said Haunani-Kay Trask, a professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai'i. "It's celebrating a tragedy that befell the Hawaiian people, which was the overthrow and annexation."
Vincent Pollard, editor of the Hawai'i Politics WWW Virtual Library, suggested changing the word "celebrate" to "investigate," in his written testimony.

"The verb 'celebrate' ... is premature. It prejudices the discussion," he wrote.
Opponent Rickard Kinney of the Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawai'i put an ironic twist on this viewpoint in his written testimony, arguing that only Hawai'i's wealthy have benefitted by statehood while many Hawaiians have been forced into homelessness and have died while waiting for promised homes on the Hawaiian Homestead waitlist.

"Like the Territory of Hawai'i, the State of Hawai'i is just an ongoing perpetuation of the wrongs that (were) committed against a friendly nation, its constitutional sovereign and the indigenous native Hawaiian people whose only fault may have been in having too much trust in the United States," he wrote.

Trask said she is not sure what would be appropriate in lieu of a celebration.

"We don't need any more apologies," she said. "People who celebrate statehood are proud to be a state. We're on opposite sides. Any time there's any commemoration of that sort, it reminds people like me that we were once an independent country and we are no more."

Of course many have come to believe that because no legitimate cession of sovereignty was ever made, Hawaii is still an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation.

I also want to correct one factual error. The article says "In 1959, 93 percent of Hawai'i residents voted for statehood..." First, only U.S. citizens were allowed to vote, so residents who were nationals of other countries did not vote. And 93 percent of those who voted chose Yes for statehood, but my understanding is that only about 15% of the population voted. So actually only about 14% of U.S. citizens residing in Hawaii voted for Hawaii to become a state.

Again, here's a couple background pieces to help folks understand the perception of the statehood vote's lack of legal legitimacy, including the wrong question that was asked and the wrong population who got to vote:

Is Hawaii Really a State of the Union?

Statehood: A Second Glance

Posted: Thu - March 22, 2007 at 07:50 AM    
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Published On: Mar 22, 2007 02:36 PM
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