Prof. Boyle interview on Radio Free Silver
Radio Free
Silver features an hour-long conversation
with Prof. Francis A.
Boyle:Author, attorney, human rights advocate, social critic, and long time tenured professor at University of Illinois School of Law, Francis Boyle is also one of the most outstanding authorities on, and proponents of, international law and accountability of world leaders.
In our conversation he addresses the struggles of individuals, groups and countries to protect their rights; the training of the next generation of human rights and international law attorneys; progress in accountability of world leaders for international crimes; the notorious University of Chicago and its two most odious products, the Chicago Boys and uberneocon, Leo Strauss; and the building Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement. Secession, anyone?
to watch or here
to listen.In an email notice
announcing the interview, Prof. Boyle included this clarification in response to
the blurb
above:Technically, legally, as I had tried to explain in this interview, Hawaii is not a case of "secession" from the United States. Rather, the US never had valid title to the Kingdom of Hawaii to begin with. The US illegally destroyed the Kingdom of Hawaii, stole all of its land, and illegally incorporated its People against their wishes. So this is like the Soviet Union's illegal annexation and occupation of Lithuania. Yankee go home! The USSR left Lithuania. Someday America shall leave Hawaii.
Posted: Fri - June 1, 2007 at 08:57 AM