Kamehameha parade in Lahaina
The Maui
News covers the
parade, with some
photos:The 94th annual Na Kamehameha Commemorative Pa’u Princess Parade walked, rolled and trotted its way through the heart of Lahaina on Saturday, evoking the majesty of old Hawaii in the historic Royal Capitol.
“Lahaina takes our responsibility really seriously to perpetuate the culture that was here a hundred years before us,” said Parade Coordinator Crystal Alboro. “It’s rather tear-jerking to see that Hawaii still has all its beauty.”
Presided over by Grand Marshal Hulu Lindsey, the parade featured a number of community groups, music by the 111th Army Band, and eight mounted pa’u princesses elegantly dressed in colorful traditional skirts and lei. On the Royal Float, Richard and Ululani Ho’opi’i represented King Kalakaua and Queen Kapi’olani, accepting ho’o kupu (traditional offerings) from parade participants and vendors in honor of the monarchs.
Posted: Sun - June 17, 2007 at 07:53 PM