Ka'iulani movie criticized as historically inaccurate, culturally
Star-Bulletin story:A movie about the life of Princess Kaiulani is being criticized as historically inaccurate and culturally insensitive by Democratic and Republican members of the state Senate.
In a letter circulated yesterday by Sen. Clayton Hee and signed by 16 senators, "The Last Princess" was questioned for taking state tax credits.
"Many members of the community wish to be assured that Princess Kaiulani and Iolani Palace will not be tarnished and exploited," said the senators' letter, addressed to Donne Dawson, state film commissioner.
Kealii M, here are the movie scripts, original and
revised:BPBLUE 2-27-08 Marc Forby S.pdfKaiulaniRevised3-08-08.pdfAnd
a letter from Henry Noa regarding the revised
Some photos
of the filming at 'Iolani Palace from Lynette C.
Posted: Tue - March 25, 2008 at 09:56 AM