HALL: Matt, I bring up location because obviously I think if it were really a big deal and there was something that he needed to do, meaning the President-Elect, any type of damage control, he would be in Chicago and not on vacation, which gives off the idea obviously he knows what's in the report. If he's easy-going at the golf course, whatever we read tomorrow won't be a big deal.
LEWIS: I think it's very likely what we read tomorrow will not be a big deal. However, you know, you could make an argument that if he wants it to appear to be not a big deal he would be out of the country.
thing is, he's right! And the people at TownHall actually know it. They are
friends with the Grassroots Institute, and familiar with the arguments about
Hawaii's political status as an independent country. Looks like subliminally he
knows the truth, and just let it
It's actually a fairly common
mistake, though. Which says even more. It isn't just a TownHall Freudian slip,
it is really a common perception based on some common sense notions of
geography, culture, etc. Some kind of reference to Hawaii being a separate
country is often heard among visitors and people who have no sense of the
specific political and historical issues of sovereignty. They just know that
Hawaii is, well really far away, and not connected, and is kind of different in
a lot of ways. It just kind of feels like you're in a foreign country. Thing is,
you actually are!
...is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
And about East Maui kalo farming and other ahupua'a projects.
Over at the Free Hawaii blog, Koani Foundation is giving away "Free Hawaii" stickers and pins, and will post photos of them displayed in interesting places. Spread them far and wide!