Book: "Hawaii - The Fake State: a nation in captivity"
This book was brought to
my attention, hadn't heard of it before and don't know anything else about it,
but passing it on FYI... (Paperback,
edition, PDF
version)Hawaii - The Fake
State: a nation in captivityby Aran Alton
ArdaizAn expose of U.S. corruption and
occupation of a foreign nation in violation of International Law with legal
documents proving there is no Hawaii Statehood in the Union of
the BookThe book comes from an evaluation
of findings after more than twenty eight years of political review and lawful
study; investigation and determining facts of law; and, of actual events and of
unlawful actions by the Federal United States Government; its deceptive and
fraudulent claim over a foreign, sovereign and "neutral" nation; actual evidence
of misleading legal documents of false claim for a Statehood in the American
Union of States that does not lawfully exist and that can never exist. It is a
revelation of past historical events with supporting documentation revealing to
a new generation of Americans and Hawaiian Citizens on how they have lost their
birth names and birthrights, as well as their Citizenship as "Private Citizens"
within their respective nations. How they have been deviously removed from their
birth State's Constitutions and "State's common-law" and their National
Constitutions (of the American Republic of States and of the Hawaiian Kingdom)
to a lesser Washington D. C. "Federal Emancipated Slave citizenship" (14th
Amendment) under Article 1 Section 8 of that very same Constitution of the
American Republic and its Union of States.
Posted: Tue - June 2, 2009 at 05:59 AM