New Website: Hawaiian Society of Law & Politics
Hawaiian Society of Law &
Politics is a new student
organization at the University of Hawaii-Manoa that "applies Public
International Law, as between States, and applicable theories to Hawaiian
history. HSLP will promote the development of curriculum on the subject of
Hawaiian statehood under international law for the University of Hawai`i."
They also plan to publish the Hawaiian Journal of Law
and Politics and host a conference in
February 2005 designed to "encourage graduate
students to engage the notion of Hawaiian Statehood and examine Hawai`i, both
past and present, within the rubric of international law, applicable theories of
international relations, and political theory." Keynote speaker will be Dr. Matthew
Craven, author of a 2002 legal brief on the "Continuity
of the Hawaiian Kingdom."
Posted: Sun - May 16, 2004 at 01:38 PM