Groups take stands on leasehold law
A story
in the
"Two opposing groups took public stands yesterday in an increasingly active
debate about the city's condominium leasehold conversion law. An organization
called Save Hawai'i's Children yesterday picketed outside mayoral candidate Duke
Bainum's Kapi'olani Boulevard campaign headquarters, to draw attention to its
call for the repeal of Chapter 38. The proposed repeal has passed its first
reading before the City Council, but some members of the organization said they
fear that Bainum could block the repeal if he's elected mayor. The group
includes various small landlords who do not want to sell the fee interest on
their land, but most members are associated with the 'ali'i trusts' —
charities established by Hawaiian royalty, such as Kamehameha Schools and the
Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center."
Posted: Thu - September 2, 2004 at 11:19 AM