OHA criticizes state land director
that:"A majority of Office of Hawaiian
Affairs trustees say they have 'serious concerns' with the leadership of Peter
Young, director of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources. Six of
OHA's nine trustees agreed at a board meeting yesterday to send a strongly
worded letter to Gov. Linda Lingle saying that they do not think the department
has been fulfilling its mandate to manage the state's public lands for the
benefit of native Hawaiians and other state residents. All six trustees at the
meeting said they want an audit of the department, as proposed in House
Concurrent Resolution 60 by state Rep. Brian Schatz (D, Makiki). Three trustees
said they also want Young to resign or be fired. A draft version of the OHA
letter to Lingle noted that 'from the times of the Kingdom through the present,
the lands and resources now managed by DLNR are of vital importance to
Posted: Fri - February 25, 2005 at 09:34 AM