Teach-in @ Grassroot Institute
Rec'd via
From: "ikaikahussey"
<ihussey @ hawaii.edu>
Date: Thu, 07
Jun 2007 21:26:19 -0000
Subject: Teach-in @
Grassroot Institute:: Friday 10 am - 1
Aloha aina ia kakou pakahi a
Since Rice v. Cayetano, the
Grassroot Institute has played a key role in the legal attacks on the heritage
of the Hawaiian nation. Recently they have been helping to instigate a new
lawsuit against the Kamehameha Schools. It's time for us to defend our heritage,
and demand an end to these immoral and indefensible actions. Let's come together
from our many perspectives, organizations, and backgrounds to form a united
front against the extreme-right conservatism of the Grassroot
Teach-In this Friday 10 am -
1 pm!
Outside the offices of the
Grassroot Institute, with signholding on the public
1314 South King St (Interstate
Building, intersection of Keeaumoku and King
Parking available on Young
Featuring speakers
- The Kamehameha Schools (tentative)
- The Hawaiian Charter Schools
- the Independence Movement
- Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian
- the Office of Hawaiian Affairs
- the Native Hawaiian Bar
Association (tentative)
- and the many allies
of the Hawaiian people
Please come to
hold signs, to learn about the central role of the Grassroot Institute in the
attacks on Hawaiian heritage, and to build
Questions? Email Ikaika Hussey
at ihussey @ hawaii.edu.
Posted: Thu - June 7, 2007 at 07:09 PM