Hawaiian issues in Republican platform
From a
Gov. Linda Lingle wielded the Republican National Convention gavel this morning, closing the morning session of the convention in Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Lingle, who is temporary convention chairwoman, will also give a short speech on Wednesday.
This morning, the convention approved the national GOP platform which included two references to native Hawaiians, Lingle said.
“Our two delegates on the platform committee were able to include a plank about native Hawaiians — it makes mention of Hawaiians in reference to federal programs along with native Alaskans and American Indians,” Lingle said.
“Also there was a plank in support of native Hawaiian culture and language,” Lingle added.
There was no mention of the attempts by Lingle and Hawaii’s congressional delegation to pass a native Hawaiian sovereignty bill.
Posted: Mon - August 30, 2004 at 10:48 PM