There's no freedom in military occupation
Kaleikoa Ka'eo writes
in the
up, Hawaiians! Break the colonial chains that restrain your brains. The U.S.
Army is making its move to further control your
destiny.The Army plans to
deploy hundreds of 20-ton armored vehicles called Strykers — they're
assault vehicles created specifically to discipline civilians — on our own
Hawaiian soil. How dare the Stryker Brigade come to Hawai'i and use our 'aina to
better its skills at shedding the blood of other brothers and sisters of the
world, many of whom are natives like
us.The presence of the
occupying U.S. military forces here in Hawai'i is on the rise. Since 1893, the
U.S. military has held our lands and peoples hostage to support the wealth of a
few settlers. There will be no freedom, especially through the scam Akakaroach
bill, if Hawai'i remains an occupying military outpost for continued American
Posted: Thu - February 5, 2004 at 09:55 AM