Hawaiian groups seek to halt all Stryker activities
on the Army's continued Stryker
training despite losing a court case
on the inadequacy of its EIS to consider alternative locations, and says "Three
Hawaiian groups are seeking a federal court halt to all Army Stryker activities
until alternatives to basing the fast-strike unit in Hawai'i are examined." OHA
is also "poised to take the Army to court if it failed to offer assurances that
it would steer clear of sacred cultural sites."
Update 10/15:
has the story
today on the injunction being sought and the Army's response.
And Doug White at Poinography.com has
some thoughts
on the issue, concluding with
this:It will be interesting to see if the Ninth Circuit will grant the injunction and then if the Army appeals to the Supreme Court. If an injunction does come down, then perhaps the Army will turn to the “Unitary Executive” and thereby simply ignore the injunction instead of appealing to SCOTUS. Through its hundreds of “signing statements” the Bush administration already routinely ignores the expressed will of Congress, so it’s not that big of a stretch to envision them ignoring the Court in this matter.
Posted: Tue - October 24, 2006 at 08:13 AM