Sacrifice for the War Profiteers
I have much appreciated Keith Olbermann's Special
Comments in the past, and thought about linking to them before but didn't
because they were not directly on topic here.
But after all, as the
Saturday:Weighing the public interest on both sides of a two-year-old environmental legal dispute, Ezra ruled that the Army can resume limited Stryker brigade training in preparation for a late 2007 Iraq deployment.
now becomes an eventual part of the escalation (aka "surge") Bush is about to
with the new PR theme of
"sacrifice."Today's Special
Comment is a good context for our local discussion of the Strykers.
Olbermann covers a lot, but touches on what I have believed from the beginning
was a chief true ulterior motive behind the war; Olbermann to Bush:
At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.
home:U.S. District Judge David Ezra said yesterday that he has a "profound respect" for the cultural history of Hawai'i, but he reiterated what he has said before: There are precious few things more important than the lives of men and women in the armed forces.
agree. So don't sacrifice even more of their lives for the war
profiteers.And Hawaii's
sacrifice for the war
profiteers: more land, more history, more culture, more clean
environment.More context:A new analysis of data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control indicates that a toxic chemical in rocket fuel has severely contaminated the nation's food and water supply (read the Environmental Working Group study here).
Scientists warn that the chemical, known as perchlorate, could cause thyroid deficiency in more than 2.2 million women of childbearing age.
This thyroid deficiency could damage the fetus of pregnant women, if left untreated. Perchlorate, the explosive ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has leaked from military bases and defense and aerospace contractors' plants in at least 22 states, contaminating drinking water for millions of Americans.
was detected in Pohakuloa in the Stryker EIS.
Sacrifice some more on the altar of the
Posted: Tue - January 2, 2007 at 11:19 PM