Superferry halted for now
I have been following the Superfully stuff
closely, pretty amazing story, but I haven't had time to post about it. Court
action stopped it on Maui, hearing tomorrow for injunction whether or
not it has to wait until EA complete to start operation. Meanwhile, protesters
on land and in water stopped it on Kaua'i, it was unable
to dock Monday, and Tuesday Lingle requested they not run. So it is
stopped for the moment.Juan Wilson has
been photo
blogging on the protests on Kaua'i. Lance Foster has some thoughts
and context of the military/political history of Kaua'i, the unconquered island.
And Ian Lind chimes
in and provides some good
links.When I first saw this photo in
the S-B, I had the same association, and then received it with versions of the
second photo below from two separate people. Not the same, but an interesting
analogy... Remember, one of the reasons for the Superferry is to move Stryker
vehicles between
Posted: Wed - August 29, 2007 at 12:55 AM