Eastside Hui - protecting the resource

Gary Kubota has an article in the Star-Bulletin about the Eastside Hui and their attempts to educate about protecting the resources of East Maui, being investigated as "possible domestic terrorism." As the article indicates, the real problem is that DLNR is not doing it job to regulate and protect the resources.

I have a previous post that gives more background on the situation.

I've also put up a (very basic at this point) website at eastsidehui.org that has the mission and code of conduct of the Hui, and a response to these allegations that was handed out on flyers at various points along the road over Memorial Day weekend.

Excuse me, but trying to label this group, of which I am a member, as terrorist is such f-ing bullshit. First, to the extent that there are illegal acts being done, they are being done by individuals acting on their own, not with authority or on behalf of the organization. Second, if these alleged acts were committed, there are ordinary laws that would apply to the individuals that committed them, like theft, destruction of property, or harassment. We're in a pretty low and scary situation, under the occupation, when cutting someone's fishing line is an act of terrorism, and an entire nonviolent, educational organization gets carelessly labeled as "terrorist" over such alleged acts. Shame on the Maui police for invoking this term.

In this photo Kema Kanaka'ole (mo'opuna of Edith and son of Parley) is standing at the entrance to Mu'olea Point, an important cultural/historical site (location of Kalakaua's summer palace) which is also important for locals for its kahakai. It was recently purchased by the county (with some funds from OHA as well) to protect it from subdivision and development. A committee of lineal descendants and other community members has been set up to manage the area, and Kema is a member of this committee (I am an alternate). The "Kapu" sign on the left was actually put up by the county.

UPDATE 6/24: Corky had a relevant cartoon in the Star-Bulletin on Tuesday.

Posted: Sun - June 19, 2005 at 09:32 AM    
