The truth behind Kawaihae Burial Caves & moepu
The Facts: The truth behind the Kawaihae Burial
Caves and the moepu.Date: Thursday,
January 26, 2006Time: 9:30 -
1:00Where: U. H. Campus
Jon Osorio, Director of Kamakakokalani, Center for Hawaiian
Studies10:00 Vicky Holt-Takamine, President
of lioulaokalani10:30 Andre Perez, Native
Hawaiian Practitioner11:00 Keoni Kuoha,
Native Hawaiian Practitioner11:30 Kawika
Tengan, Ph.D. of Anthropology12:00 Edward
Halealoha Ayau, Esq.
(tentative)Organized by advocates for
the protecting the sanctity of the Kawaihae Burial
Caves.(Mahalo to Kamahana for posting
this in the comments.)
Posted: Wed - January 25, 2006 at 11:14 AM