Whale rescue
Had a rather extraordinary experience yesterday.
A big group of us were on a native plant survey walk at Mu'olea Point and we came across this
dolphin whale stranded in a tide pool. Probably got stuck there
when chasing a fish the night before during high tide. It was scraped up pretty
badly and bleeding from several places, and obviously exhausted, but still
much collective effort, we managed to get her turned around and slid over some
boards and stuff we could find around and got her back in the ocean. She swam
very slowly at first back out into the open ocean, and then went to a spot where
she was on top of the wave that rose up just outside so we could see her well,
almost like she was looking back at us. Then 2 or 3 other dolphins came and
joined her, which was very relieving because I was worried that a bleeding
exhausted dolphin whale would be easy prey for a shark, but
hopefully the others could protect her until she can recover some. Then they all
swam away and she seemed to be moving pretty strongly. Needless to say, it was a
truly wonderful, amazing experience I will never
that's me in the white shirt on the
While we originally thought this was a
dolphin, it turned out to be a beaked whale, probably a Blainsville's beaked
whale, a juvenile. They are very rare deep water creatures.
Posted: Mon - April 24, 2006 at 10:20 AM