Exodus from Hawaii to Nevada 'Extremely High'
The Advertiser reports
that, due to economic reasons, "A U.S. Census Bureau report on race migration
released yesterday described Nevada's migration rate of Native Hawaiians and
other Pacific islanders from 1995 to 2000 as 'extremely high.' Specifically,
there was an influx of 563 Native Hawaiians for every 1,000 Native Hawaiians
living there in 1995. Nevada's overall increase of 2,400 Pacific islanders
during the five-year period was among the highest of all the states, and most of
those people — 1,600 — came from
Hawai'i."And the Star-Bulletin has a
story on
the same issue, with a board member for the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club said
membership in the club boomed in the late 1990s, and that "there are perhaps a
dozen hula halau, two Hawaiian churches, a canoe club, Hawaiian restaurants and
stores where you can get laulau and poi, a Hawaiian music radio show and monthly
community events in Las Vegas."
Posted: Fri - October 31, 2003 at 09:12 AM