Suggest Unicode be included in Word for Hawaiian language
Rolf Nordahl from posts on an email list:
"Microsoft is considering enabling
Unicode in Word 2004 if there is sufficient demand. Unicode will allow Mac OS X
users to select 'Hawaiian' as an input option. Hawaiian is part of the operating
system in Mac OS X, but, it is Unicode and MS Word does not (yet) support
Unicode. Enabling Unicode would permit use of not only Hawaiian, but dozens of
other languages to be input directly in MS Word. Please suggest
that Unicode be included in future versions of MS
Word."For those who aren't aware, Mac
OS X users can already select Hawaiian for use in other Unicode applications,
including Apple's own TextEdit, appropriately enough under the "International"
pane (Input Menu tab) in System Preferences.
Posted: Tue - February 3, 2004 at 10:56 AM