Akaka bill draft version of proposed amended bill
Got this email this morning from David
Ingham:As of April 25th,
Senator Akaka's website has a draft version of the promised amended bill that
looks at a glance like it corresponds to the version that has been on the OHA
web site for some time ...the one that appeared in the in the Advertiser.... but
still no reported
The Justice Department
will no doubt have serious concerns over the ambiguity of the changed language.
I would be suprised if the changed language of this amendment meets Tex Hall's
concerns . McCain may have agreed to this language in principle or may not have
agreed at all. The language Akaka uses in his power point presentation regarding
the status of the amended version could be interpreted either way in spite of a
strong implication that McCain has agreed to this particular version....Whether
or not this version of the bill ever sees the light of day as a reported
amendment is far from a done deal.
Posted: Fri - April 29, 2005 at 09:46 AM