Latino civil rights organizations support Akaka bill
The Advertiser reports
that Three Latino civil rights organizations — The National Council of La
Raza, the League
of United Latin American Citizens and the Mexican American
Legal Defense and Educational Fund — have written letters to
Senators urging support of the Akaka bill.
The article says: "Antonia Hernandez,
president of the Mexican American group, wrote in their letter that in the
apology resolution, passed by Congress 10 years ago, the United States admitted
its role in overthrowing the Hawaiian monarchy but never recognized Hawaiians
having a status similar to that accorded to other native peoples."
That's true, but the contradiction
should be self-evident. Hawaiians status was (and is) part of the national
population of a fully independent but occupied country, not similar at all to
other native peoples in the United
States.(The links above go to each
organization's contact pages if you would like to share another perspective with
Posted: Sun - October 26, 2003 at 10:06 AM