China's Soft Power
Some folks may find this interesting
and relevant, a new book out by Josh
Kurlantzick, Charm
Offensive: How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the
World. At TPMCafe Book Club, he
writes:While the US has been focused on Iraq, it has ignored a subtle – but enormous – change in the world. Since only the early 2000s, and under the US radar, China has changed from a country that barely interacted with the world into a growing foreign power. In fact, China savvily has amassed significant “soft power” around the world through aid, formal diplomacy, public diplomacy, investment, and other tools. Here in Washington, where China’s image is not great, it’s hard for us to understand how popular China has become in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
No one amassed chits with other nations for no reason. Now, China can begin to use its soft power. It will be able to utilize its popularity in regions where the US and China have potentially competing interests in resources. China is already trying to draw upon its charm to push back against American power in Asia.
book will be discussed at TPMCafe
Book Club this week.When
Kekula was at a UN working group over ten years ago, she was approached by
diplomats from China who were quite aware of and interested in issues
surrounding Hawaii's political status, and there have been indications that
China has used the issue of Hawaii as leverage against U.S. intervention in
Posted: Mon - June 25, 2007 at 06:17 AM