This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui Top 10 Hawaii Blogs |
Mahalo to Joan and Puhipau who sent this video hali‘a aloha for Kekula with her testimony in Hana at the 1993 Kaho‘okolokolonui, Peoples’ International Tribunal, followed by some words from Kekuni with video of Kekula during the tribunal days. (This is three months after I had met her and I was there in Hana, too.)
My beloved ku‘uipo Kekula Peiler Bray Crawford passed peacefully into the embrace of na kupuna on Monday evening, October 21, 2013, around 7:30, surrounded by loved ones, music and blessings. She was present to the end, brave and beautiful as always.
Mahalo to all our family and dear friends who made her life rich and […]
I managed to miss my own blog’s birthday, but last month was 10 years I’ve been doing this.
Here’s my first post from August 9, 2003, which still expresses my basic reasons for starting and maintaining this blog.
Those who have been following for a while will know that the nature has changed some over […]
Sorry I haven’t been posting much lately, things are fine, I’ve just been very busy and haven’t had too much come my way to post, so I’ve kind of neglected things here, but I’m still here, and if anyone does have any on-top events or notices to share, please be sure to send them my […]
E kala mai, I had a database issue there for a few days, finally managed to get it sorted out with some troubleshooting, so I’m back!
Learned that both Uncle Soli Niheu and Uncle Wiliama Waiohu have recently passed away. Both were warriors for their country.
Uncle Soli was a wise contrarian who always made sure the grassroots reality view was heard.
And Uncle Wiliama was a regular presence in many Ohana Council/Nation of Hawaii and kupuna gatherings and conventions back […]
I missed it last week, but 8/9 was the 9-year anniversary of this blog…
Sorry I’ve been missing in action for a while there, I had some trouble with the host where my wordpress blog is located and I couldn’t add any new posts, but it appears to be straightened out again. So stay tuned, posts will continue….
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