This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Keanu Sai video: History of Hawai`i as an independent State

This is the first of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obama complaint. This video covers the history of Hawai`i as an independent State.

Be sure to “Like” the video and subscribe to keanusai youtube channel.


Dr. Keanu Sai to Teach Hawaiian Studies at Windward Community College this Fall

Dr. Keanu Sai, a political scientist specializing in Hawai`i’s legal and political history, will offer a Hawaiian Studies class this fall at Windward Community College. HWST 107, Hawai’i: Center of the Pacific, will start on August 23 and will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in Palana 227.


Dr. Keanu Sai interview with Lynette Cruz re federal law suit

Issues That Matter: Obama Suit in DC Court, Length: 0:56 Focus on alternative perspectives about current issues, July 1, 2010

Lynette Cruz interviews Dr. Keanu Sai regarding the lawsuit David Keanu Sai v. Barack Obama, et al


Sai v. Obama et al amended

On July 15, 2010 an “Amended Complaint” was filed with the Federal Court in Washington, D.C. (Case no: 1:10-CV-00899CKK) removing President Obama as one of the Defendants but all other Defendants remain. In Fitzgerald v. Nixon (1982) the court ruled the U.S. President has complete immunity from civil lawsuits. Rule 24 of the Federal Rules […]

Hawaiian justice

Letter to the Editor in Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Dear Editor,

Not Senator this or that or a U.S. affiliate, but David Keanu Sai whose Ph.D. degree focused on international relations and public law as well as Hawaiian constitutionalism.

It’s heartening to know that there’s an advocate for Hawaiian justice in Washington D.C.


Sai speaking on lawsuit on Kaua’i



Mahe Sylva to host Dr. Sai in a taped telephone interview to discuss his suit filed against President Obama et al regarding the executive agreements between Lili’uokalani and Cleveland in 1893, as well as […]

Keanu Sai speaking on Kauai July 18

Free speaking engagement of Dr. Keanu Sai on Sunday July 18th at 12 to 4pm at the Na Keiki O Ka Aina Center in Kapaa (Kauai shopping Village).

Keanu will recount the profound impact of the 1893 Executive Agreements between President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani and a new federal court case that was filed […]

Issues that Matter: Obama Suit in D.C. Court

Lynette Cruz interview with Dr. David Keanu Sai view online regarding complaint in Federal Court in Washington, D.C., against U.S. President Obama et al for violation of an 1893 Executive Agreement between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom.

More info here including copy of the complaint.

Interview with Keanu Sai re suit in federal court

From Lynette Cruz… airing on ‘Olelo Channel 53 NATV, interview with Keanu Sai…

Issues That Matter: Obama Suit in DC Court, Length: 0:56 Focus on alternative perspectives about current issues

Tuesday, 7/6/10, 10:00 AM Saturday, 7/17/10, 9:00 PM

Hawaiian national sues President Obama in Federal Court in Washington, D.C.

Press Release from Dr. D. Keanu Sai…

Hawaiian national sues President Obama in Federal Court in Washington, D.C.


Kane`ohe, Hawaiian Islands, June 1, 2010 — Dr. David Keanu Sai, a national of the Hawaiian Kingdom, today filed a complaint in Federal Court in Washington, D.C., against U.S. President Obama, U.S. Secretary of […]