This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui Top 10 Hawaii Blogs |
Join us for the final Lāhui Rising event in our Makahiki series about Ea, sovereignty and self-determination.We continue our series with “Mauli Ea, A Kanaka Way of Life is Sovereignty.”
A special feature of this series includesbreakout groups that will allow audience membersto share their own manaʻo and ʻike, which will berecorded to help […]
Dr. Keanu Sai will be covering in his presentation some of the subjects in his latest article “Setting the Record Straight on Hawaiian Indigeneity” that was recently published in volume 3 of the Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Dr. Sai asked that everyone read the article before his […]
Christian Science Monitor examines the question of why some Hawaiians don’t celebrate on July 4.
MauiTime Magazine covers the presentation by Dr. David Keanu Sai to the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee of the Maui County Council on May 15.
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