From OHA’s website:
Statement by Kamana`opono Crabbe, OHA Ka Pouhana and CEO
Reestablishing our Hawaiian nation is perhaps the most important kuleana of hoa kānaka (Hawaiian patriots) living today. This kuleana requires each of us to contribute to rebuilding our nation to better care for our lāhui and pae ‘āina.
The question I posed to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was intended to move the discussion in a positive direction that accounts for the crucial answer to that question.
That question is also related to my belief that OHA must ensure that all paths to rebuilding our nation are explored. Our lāhui should also be given the opportunity to thoroughly understand the implications of the various choices so they can make informed decisions about which path(s) to pursue.
For this reason, I remain committed to OHA organizing a symposium on international redress pathways that may be options for our lāhui to consider. Similarly, I support the U.S. Department of the Interior’s efforts that may open a federal pathway for our lāhui to consider.
He then offers a set of diagrams and says he hopes they help “clarify that we are committed to a process that places decision making with our lāhui.”
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