This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Hawaii National Transitional Authority meeting

From Poka Laenui via Facebook: 

The third general meeting of the Hawaii National Transitional Authority will be held tomorrow 85-888 Farrington Hwy., Wai`anae, HI at the S&L Building. Meeting starts at 6:00 P.M. and will run for 3 hours.
The transitional authority meetings are meant to bridge Hawaii from its current state under U.S. control to liberation as an independent nation-state. There are many challenges to be met before we reach our goal. The largest challenges seem to be ourselves, our attitudes, and our lack of vision to all the possibilities of our future.

In the past two meetings, we began a process of facing these challenges, “peeling the onion, one leaf at a time.” From the adage, “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” we explored the areas of unity among various expressions of Hawaiian sovereignty, from immediate and absolute independence to a process of obtaining Federal recognition, and moving within the U.S. administration, to eventual independence from the U.S. We explored options of working within the U.S. administration and taking over place and positions in preparation for assuming independence.

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Leon Siu on HuffPo: Hawaii no sanctuary for Hawaiians

Leon Siu has a piece in the Huffington Post pointing out the hypocrisy of the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel ban in court and intending to declare itself a sanctuary state, while it “has gone overboard in utilizing the cover of U.S. immigration policies to apply the status of ‘undocumented’ to Hawaiian nationals — those Hawaiians living in the Hawaiian Islands and who assert they are subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, residing in the Hawaiian Kingdom.”

U.S. Attorney General doesn’t think Hawaii should be state?

From CNN

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said this week he was amazed that a judge in Hawaii could block President Donald Trump’s executive order halting immigration from several majority Muslim countries.


“I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.”

“Ku Kanaka: Stand Tall” film on Dr. Kanalu Young

Hawaiian who stood tall: UH-Hilo hosting free screening of film about educator, activist

The public is invited to the Big Island premiere of the film, “Ku Kanaka: Stand Tall,” about the late Dr. Kanalu Young and the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.

The free screening is at 5 p.m. Tuesday at Hale ‘Olelo, Ka Haka ‘Ula O Ke‘elikolani, College of Hawaiian Language, Lumi Pahiahia, University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Young was quadriplegic from a diving accident at the age of 15 who learned to heal from his trauma and became a Hawaiian studies professor at the UH-Manoa. An activist and chanter, Young emerged as a leader in the Native Hawaiian struggle for civil rights and helped his people heal from national injustice and embrace their Hawaiian identity.

The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. The panel includes:

• Marlene Booth, filmmaker and instructor, Academy for Creative Media at UH-Manoa.

 • Pua Mendonca, educator and Young’s friend.

• Shelbi-Ahlan Shimazu, UH-Hilo student.

• Dr. Jonathan Kay Kamakawiwo‘ole Osorio, a Hilo native and professor and interim dean of the Hawai‘inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, UH-Manoa.

For more information, contact Booth at

Nation of Hawaii Waimanalo Talk Story

Visit Hawaii! Satirical Tourism Ad

Check out this very funny satirical tourism ad for Hawaii that shares a lot of truths! From The Juice Media.

Sovereignty Conversations 23

Brandon and Bumpy share about their experience with Al Jazeera Plus visiting Puuhonua O Waimanalo and telling the story of the land base of the Nation of Hawaii, and talk about blockchain technology among other topics.

AJ+ on Hawaiian Sovereignty

Three-part series on AJ+ on Hawaiian issues, history and sovereignty, featuring Bumpy Kanahele and the Nation of Hawaii.

A Power in the World: Hawaiian Kingdom as a Pivot of the Asia-Pacific

Independent Hawaii on Coast to Coast radio

Dr. Keanu Sai is featured on Coast to Coast radio show with George Noory.

In the first half, Dr. David “Keanu” Sai, who has a Ph.D. in Political Science specializing in Hawaiian Constitutionalism and International Relations, argued that Hawaii is not legally a US State, and it should be considered a sovereign nation, as it was never legally part of the US. “Hawaii,” he mused, “was kidnapped but it was treated like it was adopted.” Since 1843, Hawaii was recognized as an independent state, and had consulates in various locations throughout the US, he noted, but the US sought to gain Hawaii as a military outpost, and a puppet government bypassed the monarchy and signed a treaty with America in 1893.

Later that year, President Cleveland received a diplomatic protest from the head of state of the Hawaiian Kingdom, claiming that US marines had overthrown a neutral government. An investigation was initiated and the Secretary of State at the time, agreed that the US bore responsibility for the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian government, Sai reported. In 1898, an annexation resolution was passed by US Congress to seize Hawaii during the Spanish-American War, and the military never left– there are currently 118 military installations on the islands, he added. Sai has participated in proceedings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Netherlands, which has verified that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists, and is not a part of the United States.

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