Now is the time for Hawaii to seriously move to restore our independence. The groundwork has been laid, within our own political institutions and in the international community. Now is the time.
From Lynette Cruz on Facebook: Aloha Hawaiian Patriots and lovers of nā kūpuna kū`ē! E Komo Mai! The Hui Aloha ‘Āina o Honolulu invites you to its first general membership meeting this Saturday, Oct. 8, on the grounds of ʻIolani Palace, from 10 am – 1 pm. Look for Ka Hae Hawaiʻi and the Hui Aloha ‘Āina banners. We will be under the tree near Pohukaina (the burial mound). Bring your high energy and commitment to the lāhui and to the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Bring folding or beach chairs and mea ‘ai for potluck! For more information, call or email Blaise Bissen, HAAoH President at (808) 230-1090, bbissen@hotmail.com or Lynette Cruz at (808) 284-3460, palolo@hawaii.rr.com. Letters from the Ali’i, Punahou School Forum Recap of the 42nd anniversary of the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) Conference and what’s next for the Nation of Hawaii including the upcoming citizen drive for the Nation of Hawaii, implementing Aloha Coin with our people, and applying for “PERMANENT OBSERVER STATUS” at the UN, with the full support of the IITC, the first indigenous NGO with General Consultative Status.
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