This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Aloha Coin

Pu`uhonua O Waimanalo Village, Waimanalo, Oahu

EXECUTIVE ORDER: 95-004 September 17, 2015


By virtue of the authority vested in me by the, Hawai`i Constitution of January 16, 1995, the Declaration of National State of Emergency of January 17, 1995, the Refuge Act, Executive Order: 95-001, and, finally by the Natural Law of Na Kupuna O Hawai`i as the Head of State it is ordered as follows:


Purpose. This Executive Order, establishes two things;

1. A National Monetary system for the Nation, specifically, an online crypto- currency economic vault and storage system, and;

2. The “Aloha Coin”, as the Nation of Hawai’i’s, National Currency.
Description. A system comprising: a memory; and a processor communicatively coupled to the memory, the memory including executable instructions that upon execution cause the system to: receive an electronic request to store a private key associated with a crypto-currency; Policy. The Minister of Treasury will, formulate and recommend economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies; enforcing those policies; and manufacturing coins, currency and/ or crypto-currency.

Summary. The Nations National monetary system, will be able to handle a large number of financial transactions on a daily basis. As technology advances, financial transactions involving crypto-currency have become more common.

Today, We consider this 21st century monetary system, to be a powerful online economic vault and storage vehicle for the Nation as well as all small developing countries in the World.

Pu’uhonua K. B. Kanahele

For more information visit

Aha Mele Ea


Na Hua Ea – Sovereign Words


Politico: Hawexit

On July 4, Politico Magazine published an article on “5 U.S. Independence Movements Inspired by Brexit” including Hawaii:

Possibly the least pronounceable of all the proposed U.S. exits, Hawexit might have the most legitimate history—and most serious ongoing legal conversation. In the wake of Brexit, POLITICO spoke to Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, who was a consultant for the Nation of Hawaii’s Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission. Would Britain’s vote breathe new life into the Hawaiian independence movement? “Certainly, any collapse or breakup of an imperial entity like the EU…will have an impact on the Hawaiian independence movement and give them some encouragement,” he said.

The Nation of Hawaii is not a state-funded group but is Hawaii’s oldest independence organization. Its leader, Dennis Pu‘uhonua “Bumpy” Kanahele, is “head of state” and has been fighting for Hawaiian sovereignty for years, asserting that the state’s treaty with the United States is illegitimate. Bumpy sees his state as very different from the other American states that would secede, though—not only because of Hawaii’s unique history (the first settlers of Hawaii arrived as early as the fourth century, and the proud monarchy of the kingdom ended with Queen Lili’uokalani’s losing control to American businessmen and annexationists in what amounted to an unofficial coup), but also because the Nation of Hawaii already has its own land and unique culture. In 1993, Kanahele negotiated with the state a 55-year lease on the land of Pu`uhonua `o Waimanalo. Since 1994, native Hawaiians have been living on this territory and have organized their own system of governance.

When I asked Bumpy if he thought that Brexit would have an effect on his quest for independence, he said, “To me, the most important part of that is the language that is being used by other countries, ‘national sovereignty,’” and he emphasized the fact that Scotland’s seeking independence from the United Kingdom was more similar to Hawaii’s situation.

It’s true that the Hawaii independence effort does stand apart from its counterparts in other states. Where other separatist movements tend to exist on the political fringes and flare up after Brexit-like events, winning independence back from the United States is a perennial issue in Hawaii, with a serious local constituency. The issue has even made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court several times. Many Hawaiians, like Bumpy, see the original U.S. treaty as illegitimate, and a multitude of social groups coexist and peacefully advocate for their nation’s independence: The Nation of Hawaii, Hawaiian Kingdom Government, Hawaiian Kingdom and The Kingdom of Hawaii are just a few. Independence permeates the culture there in a way it doesn’t elsewhere: Kauai’s public radio station even has two regular slots for sovereignty-themed radio programs, one talk and one music.

There are a few inaccuracies in here, but one particularly worth noting is that it’s not that the “original U.S. treaty” is illegitimate, it’s that there was no treaty of annexation whatsoever.

July 4 history that will not disappear

Larry Geller at Disappeared News reminds us of History that should not—and will not—disappear: July 4, 1894, illegal overthrow of Hawaii completed


‘Aha Aloha ‘Aina – Waimanalo

'Aha Aloha 'Aina Waimanalo

La Ho’iho’i Ea – Hawaiian Sovereignty Restoration Day

La Ho'iho'i Ea 2016, July 30-31, 2016

La Ho’iho’i Ea 2016, July 30-31, 2016

The great protest of July 2, 1894.


A SOLEMN PROTEST!  Five Thousand Loyalist Protest Against the So-Called Republic.  Without advertising, without preparations, a crowd of loyal citizens met yesterday on Palace Square, and then there did solemnly protest against the proclamation of a republic, not representing the people, not established for the benefit of the masses but virtually made for the sole benefit of the small and insignificant clique placed in power by J. L. Stevens and American troops in controversy of justice, honor, and popular will.  Over five thousand people gathered, among whom were all classes, all nationalities and all friends of popular government. The meeting was most orderly, and as Nawahi urged in opening the meeting, free from any undue demonstration, free from noise generally attached to a political meeting. Mr. J. O. Carter, one of the oldest and best known citizens in the country read the resolution, protesting against the so-called republic. Messrs. Bush, Nawahi and Kaulia spoke to the Hawaiians in most eloquent terns, and translated the resolution which was received with tremendous cheering by the Hawaiians. The following is the text of the resolution.  Be it resolved. That the Hui Aloha Aina and other patriotic leagues, together with the loyal subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, in mass meeting assembled, representing by far the greater majority of the legitimate voters of this country, do hereby most solemnly protest against the promulgation of a new Constitution, formed without the consent and participation of the people, and we also protest against changing the form of government from the one under which we have lived peacefully and prosperously for many years. And that we maintain that the will of the majority of the legitimate voters of Hawaii should be the supreme power of the land, as such power is so recognized and accepted in all civilized countries, and by all the enlightened governments of the world.  (Hawaii Holomua, 7/3/1894, p. 2)

Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 154, Page 2. July 3, 1894.



Credit to Alan Brown

‘Aha Aloha ‘Aina – Kohala 6/30
