This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
The Maunawili I Declaration: The United States has permanently Occupied the dominion of the Kingdom of Hawaii in violation of International and United States Law
We, the undersigned declare the following:
“The Kingdom of Hawaii,” is the name of the sovereign independent State which has been under the unlawful and continued occupation of the United States since 1900. Under such occupation, the United States exercises complete police power and control of the Hawaiian Islands.
The Native Hawaiian constitutional convention this afternoon adopted a governing document that will go out to a vote for ratification.
The constitution, approved by an 88 to 30 vote with one abstention, apparently allows room for federal recognition by the U.S. government while holding out for the possibility of independence.
“We reaffirm the National Sovereignty of the Nation,” the preamble says. “We reserve all rights for Sovereignty and self-determination, including the pursuit of independence.”
Under the constitution, citizens of the nation are any descendents of the indigenous people who lived in Hawaii prior to 1778. It also says citizenship in the Native Hawaiian nation shall not affect one’s citizenship in the United States.
The government would be composed of an executive branch — led by a president and vice president and advised by an island council, plus a legislature with 43 members representing the islands and Native Hawaiians, as well as a judicial authority.
Opponents of the four-week-long convention, or aha, claim the event was predetermined to allow for federal recognition, or the nation within a nation model of government.
Surfers from the country of Hawaii dominated the leaderboard Thursday in The Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau.
The big-wave surf invitational drew thousands of spectators to Waimea Bay on Oahu’s North Shore.
For casual observers, many of whom were watching a surf contest for the first time, some eyebrows were raised at how the leaderboard explains where each surfer comes from.
Under the category “Country,” six of the top 10 were from Hawaii, one was from the United States, two were from Australia and one was from South Africa.
In recent years, there’s been a heightened awareness of issues important to Native Hawaiians, including sovereignty, making the leaderboard’s listing of Hawaii as its own country all the more salient.
The Other Aha: Hawaiian Independence Backers Make Their Case
Aha Aloha Aina 2016 rejects the Nai Aupuni process for self-governance and insists on pushing for “real” independence.
Walter Ritte beamed as he flashed a shaka to the kupuna in the front row of Hale A‘o Hawaiian Studies at Windward Community College in Kaneohe.
Noting the full parking lot outside and the overflow crowd at the aha, or convention, Ritte said, “Wow … The call has been answered.”
“The call” is for a path toward self-governance, one that returns to Hawaiians their independent nation, which was taken from them more than 100 years ago. It comes from a new group called Aha Aloha Aina 2016,
The Thursday night event attracted 350 people, according to one of the speakers, to what was billed as “a historic gathering of Hawaiian sovereignty leaders.”
The Caucus appointed me to draft two resolutions. The first declaration is still in draft and not for the public. I have decided that the second declaration should be sent to all outside the ‘Aha in light of the protests at the Gate yesterday. Invite comment and corrections.
5 Declaration No 5 Feb 23 1113 am Part II of the Maunawili Declarations “The Long Declaration as to Permanent Occupation
Declaration No. 5
Declaration that Hawaii is in a State of Unlawful Permanent Occupation by the United States of America and the Illegitimacy of United States and State title to lands as affecting the Bonding Capacity of both Governments