This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Controversy hangs over convention

From the Star-Advertiser:

Controversy hangs over convention for Hawaiian governance

The historic Na‘i Aupuni constitutional convention convenes Monday with 151 Native Hawaiians charged with setting up the building blocks of a nation.

But some folks are wondering if the time-shortened and crowded convention will be able to produce a governing document or any other meaningful pathway to self-governance.

Continue reading Controversy hangs over convention

British footprints in the Hawaiian Kingdom

From Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Have you ever wondered why the British Union Jack is part of the Hawaiian flag?

Some scholars say that Kamehameha I considered Britain’s King George III as his liege lord, and that between 1794 and 1843 the Hawaiian Kingdom was actually part of the British Empire.

Windward Community College political scientist Dr. Keanu Sai will explore the complex and intriguing historical connection between Britain and Hawaii during a presentation from 7-8:30 p.m. Monday at the Lyman Museum.

Admission to this program is free to museum members; $3 for nonmembers.

The nationally accredited and Smithsonian-affiliated Lyman Museum showcases the natural and cultural history of Hawaii.

The museum is located at 276 Haili St. in Hilo and is open 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

For additional information, call 935-5021 or visit

Symposium in DC – E Mau Ke Ea: The Sovereign Hawaiian Nation

Symposium at Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

E Mau Ke Ea: The Sovereign Hawaiian Nation

The Hawaiian Kingdom, founded by King Kamehameha in 1810, was a self-governing nation until January 17, 1893, when U.S. diplomats and Marines supported non-Native businessmen in the overthrow of the Hawaiian government. This symposium, held in conjunction with the National Museum of the American Indian’s new exhibition, E Mau Ke Ea: The Sovereign Hawaiian Nation, features Native Hawaiian scholars, leaders, activists, and culture keepers who discuss the resurgence of Native Hawaiian nationalism today. The symposium title—derived from the second half of a phrase from King Kamehameha that has become the Hawaiian state motto—suggests “towards what is right, correct, proper.” The symposium offers a variety of perspectives on what the future of Hawaiian sovereignty might best look like. National Museum of the American Indian curator Douglas Herman moderates the program.

Saturday, January 30, 2016, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Venue  American Indian Museum
Event Location Rasmuson Theater
Cost Free
Related Exhibition E Mau Ke Ea: The Sovereign Hawaiian Nation

Here’s the program (PDF)

Speakers include Hokulani Holt-Padilla, Williamson Chang, Clyde Namu’o, Jonathan Kamakawiwo‘ole Osorio, and Mahealani Wendt.

MLK wears lei

Interesting background story in Hawaii Magazine on why Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders wore leis on their Selma march.

Nation of Hawaii Constitution – 20 years

The Constitution of the Independent and Sovereign Nation-State of Hawai’i was ratified at ‘Iolani Palace 20 years ago today. It was developed through a series of kupuna ‘ahas on all the islands, with advice from international and constitutional attorneys, culminating in several collective ‘ahas at Pu’uhonua O Waimanalo to agree on the final document. While it hasn’t been fully implemented due to ongoing prolonged occupation, a lot of mana’o, research, debate and hard work went into it, and it can certainly serve as an example and source as the ongoing process of restoration continues.





Kekula Crawford at Iolani Palace



Kingdom Restoration Spiritual Walk


From Kimo Kaleohano on Facebook

We are sending out the kahea to all Hawaiians, Kanaka, Aloha Aina, Hawaiians at Heart and Defenders of Truth. 

We will come together Sunday, January, 17, 2016 at Mauna Ala on the 123 anniversary of the illegal overthrow of our kingdoms government, beginning the illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. We will come together to honor Queen Lili’uokalni and stand for our Lahui Hawaii. We will be meeting at the gates of Mauna Ala at 9:30am. The Kalakaua crypt will be opened so that we may honor our queen through mele, chant and pule. We will then march to ‘Iolani palace, where we will join with anakala Hank Fergerstrom who will be holding vigil for the weekend. We will come together as one Lahui to honor our Queen and our Kupuna, and to stand for our Keiki and our People. 

Please share this information and flyer on your pages and in your groups. 

Onipa’a Lahui Hawaii

****!!!! Update Update Update !!!!****
We will be having Roberts Hawaii shuttling people from ‘Iolani palace up to Mauna Ala between 9:00am and 10:00am. On the 17th. This will allow you to park in or around the palace, then take the shuttle up to Mauna Ala for the ceremony and then march back to the palace. The shuttle will pick up on the Beretania street side directly in front of the fs capitol and drop off directly in front of Mauna Ala. The shuttle will run promptly from 9am to 10am when the ceremonies at Mauna Ala will begin. Any questions regarding airport transportation to the palace or the shuttle to Mauna Ala should be directed to Blanca Larson at 808-436-2395. Please help it’s get this info out by sharing on your groups and pages.

Mahalo / Onipa’a Lahui Hawaii.

La Ku’oko’a 2015 celebration video

1st annual official celebration of Lā Kū‘oko‘a at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Kēkēmapa 3, 2015.

1st part opening with some music by Poki‘i of ‘AIPŌHAKU at UH at Hemenway Courtyard and a circle round the tables at the Education Tent at Campus Center Courtyard. Later at Hemenway Courtyard again is some music by Jon Osorio and Jamaica Osorio.

2nd part of the celebrations of Lā Kū‘oko‘a beginning with some music by Poki‘i Seto of ‘AIPŌHAKU at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa at Hemenway Courtyard. Later people say some words about John Wise, his story and efforts to officially call what is known as Bachman Field to be instead called John Wise Field. Also shared are efforts to change Mckinley High Schoolʻs name to Honolulu High School.

Kanaka Express: Niklaus Schweizer on Hawaiian Kingdom Neutrality

Kale Gumapac interviews Niklaus Schweizer on clarifying Hawaiian Kingdom neutrality.

Hawaiian Convention delegates named; motion filed to block

According to the Star-Advertiser, “A total of 152 people were named Wednesday as delegates to a February constitutional convention that will discuss Native Hawaiian self-governance.” Here’s the participants list (PDF) from the Na’i Aupuni website.

The Lahaina News interviews some delegates, including Bumpy Kanahele:

Representing the island of Oahu, Hawaiian leader Pu’uhonua Dennis Keiki “Bumpy” Kanahele accepted the invite the day it was received.

He is optimistic and steadfast in his actions to restore the sovereign nation.

“It moves our 2015 political process into the limelight for the world to truly see the suppression of the national sovereignty of the Hawaiian people,” he said.

Since the early 1990s, Kanahele and other Native Hawaiians have consulted with Francis A. Boyle.

Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Chicago; a Juris Doctor Degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard Law School; and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Political Science from Harvard University.

He authored the book “Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii, The Kanaka Maoli Route to Independence.”

The international human rights advocate was specific in outlining his strategy. He views the constitutional convention as an opportunity.

“I am saying everyone should go there – all kanaka maoli – and the delegates and everyone else should vote to restore the Kingdom of Hawaii and make it clear at this conference you want the kingdom restored, and you don’t want an Indian tribe,” he noted.

To this end, Kanahele and another delegate have agreed on tactics.

“I was advised by Francis A. Boyle, that on the opening day of the ‘Aha, to make a motion on the floor to proclaim the Restoration of the National Sovereignty of the Hawaiian People. The motion would need a second by another delegate or more, and that will not be a problem,” Kanahele said.

“Now the motion,” Boyle advised, “would be on the floor of the convention for further discussion and education. This move would protect the national sovereignty of the Hawaiian people and return to them their international status as an independent country once again.”

Meanwhile, from the Star-Advertiser article:

On Monday, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit — including Kelii Akina of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii — filed a motion asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hold Na‘i Aupuni and other agencies in civil contempt. The motion accuses the group of violating the letter and spirit of the injunction.

On Wednesday, the Public Interest Legal Foundation filed a brief on behalf of the American Civil Rights Union supporting the appeal and arguing that these kinds of elections should be declared unconstitutional. The libertarian Cato Institute also joined the brief.

The motion is expected to go to the full Supreme Court for consideration at a future conference.

SCOTUSblog gives some procedural background on the motion.

Na’i Aupuni cancels election; all candidates can be delegates

From the Star-Advertiser:

Facing a potential court battle that could go on for years, Na‘i Aupuni announced this morning that it will cancel the Native Hawaiian election and proceed to a four-week convention in February.

All 196 Hawaiians who ran as candidates will be offered seats as delegates to the convention, or ‘aha, said Na‘i Aupuni President Kuhio Asam.

“Our goal has always been to create a path so that Hawaiians can gather and have a serious and much-needed discussion about self-governance,” Asam said at a downtown Honolulu press conference this morning.

“We anticipated that the path would have twists and turns and some significant obstacles, but we are committed to proceeding to the ‘aha where this long-overdue conversation can take place,” he said.

He said the board of the nonprofit Na‘i Aupuni — considering the delay it faced from a lawsuit that accused the election of being race-based — decided that the most effective route going forward would be to offer to convene all of the remaining delegate candidates and allow to organize and achieve Hawaiian self-governance.

Election-America, the contractor hired to run the election, has been told to stop taking ballots, to seal any ballots already received and to prevent anyone from counting the votes, he said.

Na‘i Aupuni attorney William Meheula said the ballots will never be counted, thus making the litigation brought by Grassroot Institute of Hawaii moot. He said the group will take steps to dismiss the lawsuit.

In addition, Asam said, Mediation Center of the Pacific has been hired to serve as facilitators to lead the initial “instruction week” and assist with organizing the delegates, who were informed of the group’s move this morning.

The confirmation deadline to participate in the convention is Dec. 22. An email will request that the candidates confirm whether they intend to accept the terms and attend the ‘aha in Kailua during the the month of February.

Asam said delegates will receive information during the first week regarding constitution building, federal Indian law, international law regarding de-occupation, decolonization, the rights of indigenous people, U.S. Constitution issues that relate to Native Hawaiian self-governance, the ceded lands claim, background on Hawaiian Home Lands, kingdom law and constitutions drafted by sovereignty groups.

And here’s the update from Na’i Aupuni that was emailed out to voters this morning:

Dear Voters,

Given that the counting of the votes may be delayed by the legal process for up to a few years, Na`i Aupuni has decided to terminate the election as of today and to offer all 196 candidates the opportunity to serve as `Aha delegates from February 1 to 26, at a meeting facility in Kailua, Oahu.

One of the main reasons behind this decision to seat all candidates is that they represent a broad-based spectrum of the Native Hawaiian community and Na`i Aupuni wants to seize this rare opportunity to organize Native Hawaiians and to propose a path to self-governance.

A Q&A that addresses many issues concerning this change of events as well as the terms that Na`i Aupuni is offering the candidates to serve as delegates are set forth on the Na`i Aupuni website,

Mahalo nui for supporting the Na`i Aupuni process and we encourage you to support the upcoming `Aha!

William Meheula

And here’s Na’i Aupuni’s news release (PDF)