This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Insights Hawaii: “What Would It Take To Achieve Hawaiian Sovereignty?”

Insights Hawaii program on PBS last night focused on the question “What Would It Take To Achieve Hawaiian Sovereignty?” Daryl Huff moderates the discussion with Peter Apo, Lilikala Kameeleihiwa, Kaleikoa Kaeo, and Bumpy Kanahele.

Talk-Story Briefing – Free Hawaii Progress Report

Talk Story Flyer Na Mea 8 copy

Nā Hua Ea event


Dramatic reenactment of Ka Lei Maile Alii – the Queen’s Women

Dramatic reenactment of Ka Lei Maile Alii – the Queen’s Women

Waimanalo Beach Park Pavilion

Tuesday evening, July 14 at 6 pm

The event is hosted by Ho`olohe Pono and is free and open to the public.  Food donations are gratefully accepted.  Dinner is at 6 pm, followed by a presentation by Dr. Ron Williams on the Christian church’s resistance to annexation of Hawaii to the U.S.  The reenactment will follow Dr. Williams’ talk.

For more information, email Moanikeala Sitch or Lynette Cruz

KLMA Waimanalo Beach Park Flier (PDF)

Vigil at ‘Iolani Palace

Message from Hank Fergerstrom:

E Aloha Mai Kakou,
For the past 15 years I’ve been doing a vigil at Iolani Palace. Twice a year… Jan 17th and July 4th. This is an open invitation to come and join us this weekend, July 4th and 5th.
There is no question that the need for true unity is of the utmost importance, especially with all the hewa surrounding us…Mauna Kea..Haleakala..Hoopili..Kualoa..Pohakuloa,…Rail…Military Build up..
We have to put our heads together and bring all of these things to a head by chopping the legs they stand on….No Annexation..No Treaty…No Land deeds…no Kuleana.
Please come and join us…let’s explore the many ways we can prepare to ACT in unison and how each island can support the others. This is the time…
E Iho Ana O Luna..
E Pii Ana O Lalo
E Hui Ana Na Moku..
E Ku Ana Ka Paia
Imua Ka Lahui Hawaii..

La Ho’iho’i Ea – Hawaiian Sovereignty Restoration Day 2015 – Big Island


Bumpy Kanahele message to Gov. Ige

Back in ’94 I think, I walked with a group of Ohana Council members down Waikiki Beach and handed out copies of the Apology along with a flyer urging tourists not to come to Hawaii due to the ongoing suppression of Hawaiian Kingdom rights. A couple dozen of us for an hour or two were enough to send the state’s tourism industry into a near panic and result in a meeting with the governor and members of his cabinet soon thereafter.

Now, Bumpy is ready to do it again.

“I will tell the tourists not to come to Hawaii until you guys sit down with us.”

Also, note towards the end his reflections on the role of Japanese in Hawaii of in a sense usurping the benefits and programs that were intended for Hawaiians. This is a sensitive subject but it is very real and important to understand, and something Bumpy feels strongly about.


Anthony Bourdain Revisits Hawaii

Ryan Ozawa reviews Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown” episode on Hawaii that airs on Sunday, June 14 at 3 p.m. Hawaii time (9 p.m. ET/PT).

Thompson talks of the dark days of native Hawaiian culture, and its resurgence, and Bourdain gives a decent 30-second history lesson running from the arrival of Westerners through the overthrow and World War II, from the plantation era to modern times. Today’s Hawaii is both very “Main Street USA,” and yet “has the nicest elements of the third world.”

And more than once, the shocking possibility that Hawaii may not always be dripping with aloha for its visitors is explored.

“It’s not a particularly welcoming or friendly part of the world, contrary to the aloha myth,” Bourdain tells Theroux. Theroux replies: “But no island is… did anyone ever come to an island with a good intention?”

Bourdain and his crew even goes as far as to test whether Molokai is as unfriendly as he’s been told. There he is welcomed, fed, and educated by Hanohano Naehu, keeper of the Keawanui fish pond, Hawaiian activist Walter Ritte, and friends. Over squid luau and fresh poi, they discuss Hawaiian history and sustainability.

Ke Aupuni Update from Leon Siu – Mauna Kea, Aloha movie, UN briefings

Ke Aupuni Update
June 9, 2015

Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono.

Aloha kakou. 
The past 3 weeks back in the islands has been amazing. The advances made in Geneva and New York are more than matched here at home by the growing enthusiasm for restoring our nation. The vision for a Free Hawaii based on the principles of Kapu Aloha is coming more clearly into focus.
Ku Kia’i Mauna
Mahalo for those protecting Mauna a Wakea. Your Ku’e and living examples of Aloha are breaking through many barriers, especially those among our own people. Your Ku’e on all fronts is exposing—big time—the games being played by the different “players” (the state, the university, the foreign countries, the corporations, the scientific institutions). Even when they talk aloha ‘aina, their true motive? Money. OHA it turns out just wanted a cut of the action.
Aloha Movie
If you get a chance, go see the movie, “Aloha” (starring Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone). It has some good scenes that should pique people’s interest in our movement. Bumpy does a great job. Don’t worry about them calling Bumpy “king.” What the movie does in a very matter-of-fact way, is confront people with a different reality about Hawaii…that Hawaii is still a sovereign nation and that we are a people working to restore our nation. I’m not concerned about the title. The term “Aloha” has endured much greater abuse than this and has still emerged pure and kapu in the minds and hearts of people all over the world.
Briefings on recent UN breakthrough
I will be giving two talks that are open to the public to attend: 1) on Kauai Thursday, June 11 and 2) on Oahu, June 12. The talks will be on recent gains made at the international level toward asserting the sovereignty of our nation. (see attached flyers)
Next week, I will be headed for New York and Geneva again to continue lobbying countries and building support for Hawaiian independence.
A hui hou,
Malama pono,
€ Leon Anahola flyer.pdfPacific Peace Forum Leon Siu - 12 June 2015.pdf

La Ho’iho’i Ea (Hawaiian Restoration Day) 2015
