This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Kaʻapuni Torchlit March Around Maui reports

For the second time in six years, a week long 193-mile torchlit march will be held around the island of Maui.

The Kaʻapuni or circle-island march will cover the 12 moku or districts of Maui, and is described as a spiritual journey.

In an event announcement, founder Keʻeaumoku Kapu of Kauaʻula Valley, said “organizers aim to achieve unity: of march participants, of the moku and of the people therein.”


The week long march will begin at midnight on Saturday, Feb. 28, at Mokuʻula across from 505 Front Street, and will end March 7 in Lahaina with protocol at noon, followed by a festival.

A public meeting to discuss the upcoming Kaʻapuni will be held this Thursday, Feb. 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Kīhei Charter School located at 41 East Līpoa St., Suite 29, in the Līpoa Center.


Additional informational and community-input meetings are scheduled on Fridays this month at 6 p.m. at Na ʻAikane cultural center, located at 562A Front Street in Lahaina.

Additional information is available by contacting Moku o Kula representative Basil Oshiro via email at or by calling Kapu at 298-5639.

Ku‘e Petition Signing at Ho‘okipa Park


China threatening to arm Hawaiian independence movement?

In the Free Beacon, a conservation online publication (which I don’t think is considered a very credible source of news, but still wanted to pass this along FYI), Bill Gertz reports:

HONOLULU—China has suggested arming Hawaii’s independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and recently threatened to challenge American sovereignty by making legal claims to the Pacific islands as its territory.

Chinese threats to back several groups of Hawaiian independence activists who want to restore the islands’ constitutional monarchy, ousted in a U.S.-backed coup over a century ago, has raised concerns that military facilities on the strategic central Pacific archipelago are threatened at a time when the Obama administration is engaged in a major shift toward Asia as part of its military and diplomatic rebalance.

Michael Pillsbury, a Pentagon consultant and author of the recent book 100 Year Marathon, said Chinese military hawks, known as “ying pai,” told him they are ready to provide arms to Hawaiian independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.

“Beijing’s extraordinary sensitivity to American arms sales to Taiwan—even one bullet or a spare tire for a jeep—often provokes angry words,” said Pillsbury who has held talks with 35 Chinese generals in recent years.

“A favorite comparison the ying pai has made to me is ‘How would the Pentagon like it if we provide arms to our friends in Hawaiian independence movement?’” he said.

The article also mentions a previous incident from 2012:

Another indicator of Chinese interest in fomenting unrest in Hawaii surfaced in 2012, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed Beijing had threatened to assert legal, territorial claims over Hawaii.

Clinton said U.S. ownership of Hawaii came up during talks with the Chinese after she pushed back against Beijing’s destabilizing territorial activities in the South China Sea.

“At one point in one of my long discussions about this, one of my Chinese interlocutors said, ‘Well, we could claim Hawaii,’” she said. “I said, ‘Well, go ahead, and we’ll go to arbitration and prove we own it. That’s what we want you to do.’”

As the article notes, the Hawaiian independence movement is non-violent. In my 20+ years in the movement, I have not met one person who advocated any kind of violence or armed resistance. This perspective goes all the way back to the actions of Queen Liliu‘okalani who in 1893 yielded her authority under protest to the U.S. invaders in order “to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life.”

So the idea of the Chinese arming independence activists is ridiculous on its face and completely unrealistic. I can’t imagine anyone in the movement accepting arms from China, both because it goes against the non-violent philosophy, and because it would be incredibly stupid and dangerous and counterproductive. This is simply Chinese propaganda and shouldn’t be taken seriously as something that has any chance of ever actually coming to pass.

But the larger point here is simply that there are certainly elements within the Chinese government who are quite aware of the history of the U.S. claim to sovereignty in Hawaii, and the movement to end the occupation.

I also found it interesting that then-Secretary Clinton responded to the 2012 Chinese threats of claiming Hawai‘i by saying “we’ll go to arbitration and prove we own it. That’s what we want you to do.”  Of course we know that the U.S. has never proved that we own Hawai‘i, and all evidence that I have seen supports the fact that we do not, and have never had a valid claim. And if it was truly arbitrated, that’s what would be proven by the facts of history and law.

Also, one correction. The article says, “Some U.S. archival material shows U.S. authorities acted on their own in the 1898 annexation, [Pillsbury] said, something Congress later investigated.” First off, he’s actually referring to the invasion of 1893. Of course it was Congress that passed the Newlands Resolution purporting to annex Hawai‘i, for military purposes in the Spanish-American War, after their failure to ratify the treaty of annexation due in large part to the Ku‘e Petition (which every Hawaiian today can find ancestors who signed). It was the invasion of 1893 which Congress later investigated and claimed was the result of the U.S. Minister acting without authority in conspiracy “with a small group of non-Hawaiian residents of the Kingdom of Hawaii.” But we now know, thanks to the research of Buzzy Agard, that the U.S. planned and executed the invasion and overthrow from the very top.

Sai: Understanding the Assn of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Resolution

Understanding the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Resolution No. 14-28 in Light of the Rules Governing Resolutions

Presentation by Dr. Keanu Sai

Please join us on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 @ 6:30 pm sharp

Olelo Mapunapuna Studio
Mapunapuna Community Media Center
1122 Mapunapuna St. Honolulu HI

Free parking available in the lot and on the street
This event is free and open to the public

About Dr. Sai

Dr. Keanu Sai received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. His doctoral research focused on Hawai‘i’s legal and political history since the 18th century to the present. He is the author of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Resolution no. 14-28 “Acknowledging the Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an Independent and Sovereign State.” Dr. Sai is also a member of Ka Lei Maile Ali‘i Hawaiian Civic Club and Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club.

About the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) 

The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs is the oldest Hawaiian community-based grass roots organization founded in 1918 by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.  It is a confederation of 67 Hawaiian Civic Clubs located throughout the Hawaiian Islands and the U.S.

At the Association’s annual convention at Waikoloa, Hawaii Island, in 2014, the House of Delegates passed Resolution 14-28 Recognizing the Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  Dr. Sai examines the passage of that resolution and its implications within the context of the Association’s constitution.

Sponsored by Ka Lei Maile Alii Hawaiian Civic Club and Hawaiian Kingdom Media

For more info, email

AHCC Resolutions-What are they (PDF)

“Mai Poina: The Trial of a Queen” — a living history performance

Mai Poina: The Trial of a Queen

Reservations are filling up fast for “Mai Poina: The Trial of a Queen,” a living history performance led by Hawaiian scholars and leaders. The historic reenactments will take place in Aliʻiōlani Hale, the former seat of government of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.

In 1895, two years after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, Queen Liliʻuokalani was arrested and tried by an American court for allegedly allowing an uprising against the new republic by her followers. She was found guilty of treason.

During the living history performance, audience members will be transported to a Honolulu of 1895 by costumed role-players who will discuss then reenact the queen’s trial.

Attendees will receive a viewer’s guide that supplies a historical timeline, essays by Hawai‘i history and legal scholars, primary sources in Hawaiian with translations, and archival photographs from the period.


February 20 and 27
7 p.m.

February 21 and 28
7 p.m.

February 22 and March 1
2 p.m.

Aliʻiōlani Hale across from ʻIolani Palace

To reserve a space go to the event registration website or call 534-8880. Admission is free, but courtroom seating is limited.

Event webpage


Overthrow commemoration events coverage

Thanks to Leon Siu, here are links to clips that ran on KITV and KHON TV news regarding last week’s overthrow commemoration events.

For other clips go to

Lawful Hawaiian Government holds legislative session has a report on the legislative session of the Lawful Hawaiian Government over the last few days.

Articles on Hawaiian independence

Around this anniversary commemoration of the illegal invasion of the Hawaiian Kingdom and overthrow of its lawful government by the United States (which we now have proof was planned and executed with malicious intention from the very top), the status of Hawaii is getting some national press coverage with these three articles:

Is Hawaii an Occupied State?” by Umi Perkins in The Nation

Review: Francis A. Boyle’s Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii: The Kanaka Maoli Route to Independence” by Catherine Bauknight in the Huffington Post

Native Hawaiians debate best path to sovereignty” by Cathy Bussewitz from Associated Press (AP)

22nd Annual Ho‘oku‘ikahi – Reconciliation Commemoration


Queen Lili‘uokalani Kingdom Restoration Spiritual Walk

liliuokalani march