This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Overthrow commemoration events coverage

Thanks to Leon Siu, here are links to clips that ran on KITV and KHON TV news regarding last week’s overthrow commemoration events.

For other clips go to

Lawful Hawaiian Government holds legislative session has a report on the legislative session of the Lawful Hawaiian Government over the last few days.

Articles on Hawaiian independence

Around this anniversary commemoration of the illegal invasion of the Hawaiian Kingdom and overthrow of its lawful government by the United States (which we now have proof was planned and executed with malicious intention from the very top), the status of Hawaii is getting some national press coverage with these three articles:

Is Hawaii an Occupied State?” by Umi Perkins in The Nation

Review: Francis A. Boyle’s Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii: The Kanaka Maoli Route to Independence” by Catherine Bauknight in the Huffington Post

Native Hawaiians debate best path to sovereignty” by Cathy Bussewitz from Associated Press (AP)

22nd Annual Ho‘oku‘ikahi – Reconciliation Commemoration


Queen Lili‘uokalani Kingdom Restoration Spiritual Walk

liliuokalani march

The People’s Hale – Opening Day at the Legislature


Ka Ea o ka ‘Aina event Jan. 16


American Flags Taken Down By Hawaiian Kingdom Advocates at UH-Hilo

Hawaiian subject declares war crimes committed against him

Press Release.

Nov 24, 2014.

Hawaiian subject declares that war crimes were committed against him by Hawaii business’s and alleged land owners. Posted Nov 28, 2014.

On Nov 24, 2014, Maltbie Napoleon, a Hawaiian subject, declared that war crimes were committed against him by Hawaii business’s and alleged land owners, herein, LANDLORDS, and their agents. Document A-54410919 filed Nov 24, 2014, for the purpose of exposing foreign and U.S. citizens committing war crimes on Hawaiian territory against its citizenry. The dispute also alleges:

Continue reading Hawaiian subject declares war crimes committed against him

Hawaii a Voice for Sovereignty film showing and panel   

Screening of the film “Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty”


Hosted by Kahu, Prof. Kaleo Patterson.

Location: The Cathedral of St. Andrew

229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813

(808) 524-2822

Friday, Nov. 21

Reception at 5:00 PM

Screening at 6:00 PM

Panel Discussion: 7:30-9:00 PM – with Leon Siu, Williamson Chang, and Kuhio Vogeler