This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Civic Clubs Acknowledge Continued Existence of Hawaiian Kingdom

From Blog:

From October 26 through November 2, 2014, Hawaiian Civic Clubs from across the Hawaiian Islands and the United States met at its annual convention held at the Waikoloa Beach Resort Marriot hotel on the Island of Hawai‘i. Ka Lei Maile Ali‘i Hawaiian Civic Club introduced resolution 14-28, acknowledging the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom. After a lively debate by the delegates of the many clubs in its plenary session, the resolution was passed on November 1, 2014.

Read the rest, including the text of the resolution.

Kanahele pushes plan for sovereign nation

Kanahele group pushes plan for sovereign nation

A convention should address “restoring what we had,” the activist says

Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Nov. 1, 2014



Hawaiian activist Dennis “Bumpy” Kana­hele said a proposal for a Hawaiian sovereign government should be moved forward at the “‘Aha” convention being planned by the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Kana­hele spoke about reviving the nation of Hawaii at a news conference Friday held on his farm in Wai­ma­nalo.

A sovereignty group based in Wai­ma­nalo is calling for support in its effort to establish a Hawaiian provisional government independent of the U.S. and state governments.

During a news conference Friday, Nation of Hawaii leader Dennis “Bumpy” Kana­hele said a proposal for a Hawaiian sovereign government should be moved forward at the “‘Aha” convention being planned by the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

“It’s not about a model of a government. It’s about restoring what we had,” Kana­hele said.

The convention is scheduled for February-April, but the timetable will be discussed by the new Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustees following Tuesday’s election, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chief Executive Officer Kama­na‘o­pono Crabbe said.

State legislators passed Act 195 in 2011, which calls for the publication of a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians to work toward the reorganization of a native government. Some 130,000 Native Hawaiians have signed the roll.

Some Native Hawaiian groups have favored the establishment of a Hawaiian nation within the United States, similar to Native American tribes.

But Kanahele has proposed an entity independent of the U.S. government.

Kanahele’s legal adviser Francis A. Boyle said other groups have gone through a similar process toward the re-establishment of their sovereignty, including the Palestinians and Lithuanians.

Boyle said one of the steps includes a people asserting their right to self-determination.

During hearings conducted earlier this year in the islands by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Native Hawaiians, for the most part, expressed opposition to the prospect of federal recognition as a native government.

The Nation of Hawaii, which includes some 80 residents living on 45 acres of land in Wai­ma­nalo, sees itself as a sovereign government under international law and therefore not subject to U.S. rule, group leaders maintain.

In 1993 Gov. John Wai­hee gave the group a 55-year lease for the land after Kana­hele’s group agreed to peacefully end its occupation of Maka­puu Beach.

Also that year, Congress issued a joint resolution apologizing for the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom. The resolution acknowledges that without active support and intervention by U.S. Marines and John L. Stevens, U.S. minister to the kingdom, who was not authorized to support a rebel group, the insurrection against Queen Liliu­oka­lani would have failed.

The resolution urged the president to acknowledge “the ramifications of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii and to support reconciliation efforts between the United States and the Native Hawaiian people.”

Federal deal reportedly reached to recognize native Hawaiians as Indian tribe

Report on (Michael Salla citing Free Hawaii TV):

Free Hawaii TV reported on October 29 that a deal has been reached between the Department of the Interior and the Obama administration to give federal recognition to native Hawaiians as an Indian Tribe.  According to Free Hawaii TV, the deal is an attempt to do an end run around overwhelming native Hawaiian opposition to being recognized as an Indian Tribe. Federal recognition would mean that native Hawaiians would become a nation within a nation, thereby recognizing US sovereignty over the Hawaiian Islands. This is opposed by many Native Hawaiians who point out that Hawaii is occupied territory under international law, and that the former Hawaii Kingdom needs to be reinstated.

Read the rest…

Press Conference 10/31 re Restoring the Kingdom of Hawai’i



Restoring the Kingdom of Hawai’i

Waimanalo— We Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) are taking concrete steps to obtain the restoration of the Kingdom of Hawaii that was illegally stolen from us by the United States in 1893. Our case is not one of  “secession”— it’s about the withdrawal of the United States civilian and military forces from the Hawaiian islands.

In early 2015, over 130,000 Kanaka Maoli scrutinized through a verification process, will convoke a Convention in which I will propose the restoration of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the creation of a Provisional Government of National Unity for it.

Toward that end, our long-time Attorney Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law  (217-333-7954; has written a new book entitled Restoring the Kingdom  of Hawaii: The Kanaka Maoli  Route to Independence (Clarity Press: 2014) setting forth our legal right to do so. Hawaiian by Birth, American by Force!

Press Conference
10 AM Friday, October 31, 2014
Pu‘uhonua O Waimanalo
41-1300 Waikupanaha Street
Waimanalo, HI 96795

Celebrate Lā Kū‘okō‘a – Hawaiian Independence Day


Book Launch: “A Nation Rising”

Sunday, November 2, 3:00 pm

Revolution Bookstore

Book Launching, Book Signing, Reception & Photo Exhibit

“A Nation Rising: Hawaiian Movements for Life, Land and Sovereignty”

With editors Noelani Goodyear Ka`opua, Ikaika Hussey, Erin Kahunawaika`ala Wright; and photographer Ed Greevy.


Continuing the conversation… 3 presentations for Queen Lili’uokalani


NATIVE PLANET episode on Hawaii

NATIVE PLANET, Season 1, Episode 4 – Hawaii
(from Canadian Television)

New book: “Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii” by Francis Boyle


Order from Clarity Press

Dr. Sai interviewed on The Wire in Aotearoa

Nick Bond of 95bFM – The Wire, an independent radio station in Auckland, New Zealand, interviewed Dr. Keanu Sai.

“Most people would say that the United States of America has 50 states, and that Hawai‘i is one of them. But Hawaiian academic Dr. Keanu Sai says otherwise. Sai says that Hawai‘i was never legally annexed to the United States, and has been illegally occupied for the past 121 years. Wire producer Nick Bond asks Sai whether Hawai‘i really is a nation under occupation.”

To listen to the interview of Dr. Keanu Sai click here.