Hawaii’s Place in Oceania:
Past, Present, and Future
Lorenz Gonschur, PhD Candidate
Political Science
University of Hawaii at Manoa
July 24, 2014, Thursday, 5:00 pm
Olelo Community Media Center · 1122 Mapunapuna St.
\Hawaii’s historical and political situation is best understood within the context of the region of Oceania to which the archipelago naturally belongs. Put in this perspective, the unique position of Hawai’i as the first and only fully recognized nation-state in Oceania during the nineteenth century can be clearly seen. Gonschur’s research follows this perspective, from strategies of national independence movements in Hawai’i, Tahiti and Rapa Nui, to state formation and nation-building in Oceania during the nineteenth century, comparing Hawai’i to the other major archipelagos of the region, such as Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji. There are nuances between occupation (applicable to Hawai’i) and colonization (applicable to Tahiti and Rapa Nui). During the nineteenth century the Hawaiian Kingdom was a model for successful nation-building that other Pacific Islands tried to emulate. Pacific regionalism, a very important and contested issue throughout the region today, has its roots in the pro-active foreign policy of the Hawaiian Kingdom to support and promote nation-building all across Oceania and keep the region free of outside imperial powers.
Seventh in a series of presentations on new research into Hawaiian Kingdom history
Sponsored by Ka Lei Maile Alii Hawaiian Civic Club, with funding from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Ample parking in the Olelo Community Media Center parking lot and on the street
For more information: palolo@hawaii.rr.com, phone (808) 284-3460
Seating is limited
This event is free and open to the public