This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui Top 10 Hawaii Blogs |
From: The Koani Foundation
Date: May 28, 2014 at 6:58:38 PM HST
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will hold a special meeting tomorrow, Thursday, May 29 at 10 AM at their Nimitz headquarters to gather public comment on OHAʻs nation-building efforts — the possible first step in what may lead to a delay in the process.
The idea for the meeting — scheduled for 10 AM in the boardroom of OHA’s Nimitz Highway headquarters — apparently arose May 19 during a closed-door meeting with the OHA trustees and CEO Kamana‘opono Crabbe.
A good chance for folks to get a copy of this important video to share with family and friends…

From: Boyle, Francis A
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 1:59 PM
Subject: New book: Free Hawaii! Kanaka Maoli Genocide, Sovereignty, and Independence
Aloha, Dear Friends:
Just to let you know that I recently signed a contract with Clarity Press for my next book:
Free Hawaii!
Kanaka Maoli Genocide, Sovereignty, and Independence
We hope to have it in print by the end of the year.
Interview with Bumpy Kanahele talking about Hawaiian Nation building & sustainability with the anti-GMO movement.
[vcfb id=642820905787551]
(From Pi who posted the video, the visible edits are due to Facebook’s limit of 20 minutes, which required cutting out any stuttering or lengthy pauses so the entire interview could fit.)
Interview with Dr. Keanu Sai on Radio Australia about the recent happenings with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and background on the legal basis for the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Hawaii News Now reports on OHA executive session meeting yesterday:
Trustees with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs met for hours behind closed doors Monday to discuss the fate of CEO Dr. Kamana’opono Crabbe. There was concern from Dr. Crabbe’s supporters, dozens of whom gathered outside the OHA boardroom, that he would be fired and the longer trustees stayed in executive session the more anxious the crowd grew. But just before 6 p.m., Dr. Crabbe and the Board of Trustees emerged united to say they were moving forward together.
And here’s a report on the meeting from The Hawaii Independent.
ISSUES THAT MATTER with Lynette Cruz 5-10-14, interview with Donovan Preza
Larry Geller at Disappeared News blog notes that OHA trustees apparently violated the sunshine law, requiring proper filing of agendas and public notice of meetings, in their hastily signed letter rescinding CEO Crabbe’s letter to Secretary Kerry. Apparently someone has filed a complaint with the Office of Information Practices.
Update 5/15: Much more detailed information on the Sunshine Law violation at Hawaiian Kingdom Blog. It is a misdemeanor criminal offense that can result in removal from office.
Yesterday’s press conference by OHA CEO Kamana‘opono Crabbe regarding his letter to U.S. Secretary of State Kerry.
And Chad Blair at Honolulu Civil Beat has a pretty extensive article covering the press conference and the larger issues of Crabbe’s letter.