This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Aloha ‘Oe my beloved Kekula

My beloved ku‘uipo Kekula Peiler Bray Crawford passed peacefully into the embrace of na kupuna on Monday evening, October 21, 2013, around 7:30, surrounded by loved ones, music and blessings. She was present to the end, brave and beautiful as always.

Mahalo to all our family and dear friends who made her life rich and full and wonderful in so many ways.

Kekula Bray Crawford

Kekula in front of the Nation of Hawaii flag (thanks to our friend and photo chronologer John Kirkley for this photo and the next two below)

As all our old friends and many who have followed this blog know, Kekula was very active in the Hawaiian movement in the early and mid-90s, and this was a big part of the early years of our marriage. In fact, the night we met at a dance on Maui in ’93, she was selling t-shirts at a sovereignty table, and I was selling t-shirts at a Green Party table. Auntie Pua Mahoe introduced us, and after the dance was over, I was walking out of the door to the hall and passed her walking in; I turned around to look back at her, and found she had also turned to look back at me, and gave me a smile that melted my heart right then and there. Auntie Pua then arranged for me to give her a ride home, and the rest is love. Not long after that I had quit the Green Party realizing that it was part of the illegal occupation! And joined into the Hawaiian movement full-time. (Ironically looking back now from this moment, at the time we met she was working for Uncle Lloyd Gilliom’s sandblasting business designing headstones and helping Hawaiian families through their grieving process by the cultural elements she placed in the designs).

Soon thereafter we started working with Bumpy and the ‘Ohana Council, opening an office in Kahului, and started to assemble the Kupuna Councils, across the islands, educating the kupuna about the history and law and guiding them in making decisions about the process of restoring the country’s sovereignty.

Kekula Bray Crawford facilitating Kupuna Gathering

Kekula facilitating an ‘Aha Kupuna

After we had been living together for a little while in Waiehu, as Bumpy invited us to go over to work with him full-time in Waimanalo during the Makapu‘u occupation, the kupuna intervened and insisted that we get married first. Thus on May 15, 1994, we were married in Iao Valley by Rev. Nani Saffrey, with many kupuna and friends in attendance, including Tita Kahilihiwa Kipapa as her flower girl, Auntie Helen Ho‘opai as her maid-of-honor, Tutu Murray English gave her away, and Gramma Violet English, Uncle Bill Kalani, Auntie Kealoha Camacho, Uncle Edward Uwekoolani, Auntie Daisy Lind, Auntie Patty Nishiyama, Auntie Bernice Hookano, Auntie Ellen Cooper, Auntie Helen Walrath were all there, and I’m sure I’ve missed some others (e kala mai). A few days later as we talked about it, we realized it had been about a year since we met, so we checked with Whitecloud who had organized the dance, and indeed it was held on May 15, 1993, and we had married exactly a year to the day after we met, without even planning or realizing it. (Many years later, when we needed a copy of our marriage certificate and couldn’t find ours, we checked the vital records and discovered that apparently Rev. Saffrey had never filed it, so according to the state we were never married, but of course according to the Kingdom, the Kupuna and God we were! But on our 17th anniversary in 2011 we asked our dear friend and co-conspirator in the movement, then Rev. Kedar St. John to renew our vows at the Temple of Peace in Ha‘iku so we could make it official and have the certificate as far as the state was concerned.)

The day after our marriage, we moved to Waimanalo and dived in head first. During the Makapu‘u occupation we lived nearby, with Kekula coordinating the media outreach. As the county would turn the water off and we would turn it back on, and engage in various forms of creative civil resistance, she was sending out press releases and organizing press conferences, getting on the evening news and the front page of the papers almost every day for a few weeks, and markedly raising the profile of the independence movement and knowledge of the true history in the process.

When the occupation ended we moved from the beach up mauka in Waimanalo, to the newly formed village of Pu‘uhonua O Waimanalo. (I was one of three haoles living in the village of about 70 Hawaiians, and always felt totally welcomed as part of the family.)  We continued to organize kupuna gatherings across the islands, eventually leading to a series of all-island kupuna meetings where the constitution was hashed out and finally agreed upon, and then signed at the Palace on January 16, 1995.

Kekula Crawford at Iolani Palace

Kekula at the Palace, January 16, 1995

During this time, Kekula also was serving as the Minister of State, entering into the realm of international affairs for the kingdom. Somehow, despite having not even finished high school and having no experience or training whatsoever in law or diplomacy, she had a natural knack for these things and just figured it out as she want along. It was in her genes. She attended conferences and committee sessions at the United Nations in Geneva and New York and other places, where she was not only a representative for Hawaii but also an advocate for indigenous nations and colonized nations. She was always clear to distinguish, however, that Hawaii was not an indigenous issue or a decolonization issue, but a matter of occupation of an independent state. She presented herself as a diplomat of a state, carrying Hawaii’s treaties with her, some of which were ratified by her great-great-grandfather, something she didn’t speak about openly but always carried with her. As such she was received and treated de facto as a representative of a state, rather than an indigenous nation. She planted some seeds that will yet bear fruit when the time is ready.

But she had great sympathy for the many indigenous nations who did not have the history of Hawaii as being a fully recognized independent state. At one conference in Geneva in 1996, during the nascent stages of the Internet, we were able to communicate via email, so while I was at home in the Waimanalo office, she would send notes and updates from each session to me, I would send them out to a network of nations she had compiled as the NetWarriors, then they would send messages back to me, which I forwarded on to her. She would then print them out and post them on a big board they had erected right outside the door to the session, for all the delegates to see and read every day. It was really a pioneering use of the Internet technology to facilitate the various native home populations being able to directly interact with and affect a UN session like this, instead of just hearing about the results afterwards when their delegates returned home.

One time on her way back from Geneva, she stopped in New York where our dear friend Kalani (now Senator) English was working at the United Nations as a representative for the Federated States of Micronesia. This being pre-9/11 with security not quite what it is now, Kalani took her to the UN accreditation office and told them she was “Princess Kekula from Micronesia” who had arrived unexpectedly, but the ambassador was not there to sign her accreditation papers, so he was able to convince them to issue her a badge which indicated her royal status in its color. Thus she was given deference as royalty as she walked around the UN halls. She is ali‘i, just not from Micronesia, but I’m sure given the circumstances this suited her just fine and she had fun with it and thoroughly enjoyed it.

She also attend the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. There she found herself in a situation where the a cappella musical group Sweet Honey in the Rock had been locked out of their own concert and were fruitlessly trying to convince the guards to let them in. Kekula was able to intervene and basically sweet talk the guard into letting these powerful women into their own concert! (I recognized one of them visiting Hana a few years later and she remembered the incident.)

There are many other stories and memories I could recount, but those are some of the highlights of Kekula in relation to the subject of this blog, and things many of those involved over the years will remember.

Kekula got sick with liver disease from hepatitis C which was diagnosed in 1999, and received a liver transplant in September 2001. (The first day she awoke and had a mind clear of hepatic encephalopathy was 9/11.) Thanks to a woman name Marilyn Santana from San Diego who had made the decision to be an organ donor and her family who supported her wishes, when she had an aneurism when visiting Honolulu, Kekula and several other recipients were able to receive the gift of life. I was able to have my love by my side for another 12+ years because of Marilyn, and surgeon Dr. Linda Wong and the transplant staff, then at St. Francis and now at Queens. Our endless gratitude and honor in every day of her life.

After her transplant, she decided she’d had enough of politics and organizing and international travel, and chose to focus on a quiet life of a cultural practitioner and artist. She became a master feather worker and made lovely lei hulu among other arts.





About a year ago, Kekula was diagnosed with recurring damage from the hepatitis C, coming back and attacking her new liver. Over the last few months, she has gone through many traumatic challenges as her condition worsened, but survived several life threatening situations and showed the same fighting spirit that she has always had. But at long last, the struggle was too much, and she had to finally let go, and rise into the golden light, rise into the arms of her ancestors waiting to welcome her home, rise into God’s love.

I want to also mention now our dear friend David Po. He was the one who, as Bumpy’s right-hand man, brought us into that circle and supported our efforts in the nation, by hook or by crook. He always made sure we were provided for, and could focus our efforts on the work at hand. Then when Kekula got sick, he was the one person who continually and regularly came to visit us, look in on her, and make sure we had what we needed, a true friend in need. All that time, we not knowing that he had the same disease as her, that he never told us, until several years later when he finally got sick and succumbed to liver failure himself. I have a feeling that when her time finally came, Po was the first one waiting to welcome her home.


Po with Keira at Kekula’s 47th birthday in 2003 at Kapahu Living Farm in Kipahulu

Mahalo Brother David. Mahalo. Mahalo.

Aloha ‘Oe, my beloved Kekula. Aloha ‘Oe… Farewell to you, farewell to you… Until we meet again….

National Radio Project “Hawaii: A Voice for Sovereignty”

Hawai‘i’s Place In International Law – The International Court of Justice

Originally posted at

Hawaiian Kingdom files application instituting proceedings at ICJ

THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS, 27 September 2013 — The acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom filed with the Registrar of the International Court of Justice anApplication Instituting Proceedings against multiple states for treaty violations and serious breaches of peremptory norms.

The filing of the Application is directly tied to the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Protest and Demand filed with the President of the United Nations General Assembly on August 10, 2012. The Application is seeking enforcement of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Demand that States comply with their treaty obligations and obligations under customary international law.


Press Release re War Crime Complaint

Maltbie Napoleon sent this press release for sharing regarding war crimes complaint filed at the International Criminal Court:

WC Press Release Sep 17, 2013

South Park: Going Native

I wasn’t aware of this when it first came out around the time of the Superferry protests because I’m not a regular South Park viewer, but it was assigned for a friend’s anthropology class at UH-Maui so I ended up watching it last night, and I think it is a funny and insightful parody that is worth checking out, if you haven’t seen it.

South Park: Going Native (Season 16, Episode 11)

Dr. Keanu Sai to Present Hawai‘i’s Occupation to Swiss Diplomats in Zurich

Posted at

Dr. Keanu Sai to Present Hawai‘i’s Occupation to Swiss Diplomats in Zurich

Posted on September 11, 2013 by Hawaiian Kingdom

The Swiss Diplomats – Zurich Network has invited Dr. Keanu Sai to the city of Zurich to give a presentation on the prolonged and illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The title of Dr. Sai’s presentation is “Hawai‘i – An American State or a State Under American Occupation.” Professor Niklaus Schweizer, a former Swiss Consul for Hawai‘i and a professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, will be giving the introduction. After the presentation there will be a panel discussion comprised of Dr. Sai, Professor Schweizer, and former Swiss Ambassador to the United States and Germany, Dr. Christian Blickenstorfer. The presentation and panel is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2013.

On July 20, 1864, the Hawaiian Kingdom entered into a Treaty of Friendship, Establishment and Commerce with Switzerland that established perpetual peace and reciprocal liberties. Article 1 states: “Hawaiians shall be received and treated in every canton of the Swiss Confederation, as regards their persons and their properties, on the same footing and in the same manner as now are or may hereafter be treated, the citizens of other cantons. The Swiss shall enjoy in the Hawaiian Islands all the same rights as Hawaiians in Switzerland.” The treaty was negotiated on behalf of the Hawaiian Kingdom by Sir John Bowring, who was a Knight Bachelor of Great Britain and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. The Hawaiian-Swiss Treaty has not been terminated by either the Hawaiian Kingdom or the Swiss Confederation.

The Diplomatic Network is aware of the Hawaiian-Swiss Treaty, the Hawaiian arbitration, Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom, at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands, from 1999-2001, the Hawaiian complaint filed with the United Nations Security Council in 2001, and the Hawaiian protest and demand filed with the United Nations General Assembly in 2012. Dr. Sai served as lead agent in the arbitration proceedings and the filings with the United Nations.

10 years

I managed to miss my own blog’s birthday, but last month was 10 years I’ve been doing this.

Here’s my first post from August 9, 2003, which still expresses my basic reasons for starting and maintaining this blog.

Those who have been following for a while will know that the nature has changed some over the years, as well as changing platforms/layouts along the way. Early on I did a lot more original writing and commenting on the material I posted, and we had some very extensive, deep and spirited discussions in the comments. But these days I do a lot less commentary and mostly just pass on information for folks to know about what’s going on. Partly this is due to just not having the time as I have tended to focus my own energies more and more on local ahupua‘a organizing and practical governance from the ground up, and partly it is from not wanting to repeat the same things over and over—which is sometimes quite necessary but also tiring!

But I still believe, as I said back then:

I have always felt that access to information about various activities and points of view is essential to a healthy evolution of the drive for Hawaii’s independence, and that the more people know about it the less afraid and more supportive they tend to be.

I hope that this blog has and will continue to contribute to a more informed and supportive population in Hawaii, America and around the world about the truth of Hawaii’s history and political status today.

Mahalo to everyone who visits and reads and posts comments!

A response to Roll Commission magazine ad & OHA newsletter

Received from Pookela PR & Communications <>:
For Immediate Release

In an on-going effort to instill fear and control over the Kingdom of
Hawai’i, the Roll Commission in a magazine advertisement, issued a threat
that anyone not signing up in the Kana’iolowalu would be stripped of their
Kanaka Maoli status.  The threat was repeated in the monthly newsletter of
the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.  Those threats prompted the King to respond
with this message.

OHA and Roll Commission (PDF)

WashTimes: Hawaiians split on movement to recognize Native Hawaiians

Washington Times has an article on the possible federal recognition of Native Hawaiians via executive order, given the inability to gain passage of the formerly so-called Akaka Bill in Congress, and a petition opposing the process.

Hawaii Democrats are pushing the White House to give formal tribal recognition to Native Hawaiians, but some Native Hawaiians are pushing back.

Advocates of Hawaiian independence have posted a petition on the White House’s We the People website asking President Obama to reject Democratic pleas to grant them tribal status via executive order.

The petition, created Aug. 27, contends that the attempt to “transform our Hawaiian identity is an unconstitutional, race-based action; a clear breach and violation of our perfect right denying our due process under law.”