This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui Top 10 Hawaii Blogs |
I wasn’t aware of this when it first came out around the time of the Superferry protests because I’m not a regular South Park viewer, but it was assigned for a friend’s anthropology class at UH-Maui so I ended up watching it last night, and I think it is a funny and insightful parody that is worth checking out, if you haven’t seen it.
South Park: Going Native (Season 16, Episode 11)
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Dr. Keanu Sai to Present Hawai‘i’s Occupation to Swiss Diplomats in Zurich
Posted on September 11, 2013 by Hawaiian Kingdom
The Swiss Diplomats – Zurich Network has invited Dr. Keanu Sai to the city of Zurich to give a presentation on the prolonged and illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The title of Dr. Sai’s presentation is “Hawai‘i – An American State or a State Under American Occupation.” Professor Niklaus Schweizer, a former Swiss Consul for Hawai‘i and a professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, will be giving the introduction. After the presentation there will be a panel discussion comprised of Dr. Sai, Professor Schweizer, and former Swiss Ambassador to the United States and Germany, Dr. Christian Blickenstorfer. The presentation and panel is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2013.
On July 20, 1864, the Hawaiian Kingdom entered into a Treaty of Friendship, Establishment and Commerce with Switzerland that established perpetual peace and reciprocal liberties. Article 1 states: “Hawaiians shall be received and treated in every canton of the Swiss Confederation, as regards their persons and their properties, on the same footing and in the same manner as now are or may hereafter be treated, the citizens of other cantons. The Swiss shall enjoy in the Hawaiian Islands all the same rights as Hawaiians in Switzerland.” The treaty was negotiated on behalf of the Hawaiian Kingdom by Sir John Bowring, who was a Knight Bachelor of Great Britain and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. The Hawaiian-Swiss Treaty has not been terminated by either the Hawaiian Kingdom or the Swiss Confederation.
The Diplomatic Network is aware of the Hawaiian-Swiss Treaty, the Hawaiian arbitration, Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom, at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands, from 1999-2001, the Hawaiian complaint filed with the United Nations Security Council in 2001, and the Hawaiian protest and demand filed with the United Nations General Assembly in 2012. Dr. Sai served as lead agent in the arbitration proceedings and the filings with the United Nations.
I managed to miss my own blog’s birthday, but last month was 10 years I’ve been doing this.
Here’s my first post from August 9, 2003, which still expresses my basic reasons for starting and maintaining this blog.
Those who have been following for a while will know that the nature has changed some over the years, as well as changing platforms/layouts along the way. Early on I did a lot more original writing and commenting on the material I posted, and we had some very extensive, deep and spirited discussions in the comments. But these days I do a lot less commentary and mostly just pass on information for folks to know about what’s going on. Partly this is due to just not having the time as I have tended to focus my own energies more and more on local ahupua‘a organizing and practical governance from the ground up, and partly it is from not wanting to repeat the same things over and over—which is sometimes quite necessary but also tiring!
But I still believe, as I said back then:
I have always felt that access to information about various activities and points of view is essential to a healthy evolution of the drive for Hawaii’s independence, and that the more people know about it the less afraid and more supportive they tend to be.
I hope that this blog has and will continue to contribute to a more informed and supportive population in Hawaii, America and around the world about the truth of Hawaii’s history and political status today.
Mahalo to everyone who visits and reads and posts comments!
Received from Pookela PR & Communications <>:
For Immediate Release
In an on-going effort to instill fear and control over the Kingdom of
Hawai’i, the Roll Commission in a magazine advertisement, issued a threat
that anyone not signing up in the Kana’iolowalu would be stripped of their
Kanaka Maoli status. The threat was repeated in the monthly newsletter of
the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Those threats prompted the King to respond
with this message.
OHA and Roll Commission (PDF)
Washington Times has an article on the possible federal recognition of Native Hawaiians via executive order, given the inability to gain passage of the formerly so-called Akaka Bill in Congress, and a petition opposing the process.
Hawaii Democrats are pushing the White House to give formal tribal recognition to Native Hawaiians, but some Native Hawaiians are pushing back.
Advocates of Hawaiian independence have posted a petition on the White House’s We the People website asking President Obama to reject Democratic pleas to grant them tribal status via executive order.
The petition, created Aug. 27, contends that the attempt to “transform our Hawaiian identity is an unconstitutional, race-based action; a clear breach and violation of our perfect right denying our due process under law.”
Today at 1:30 pm Hawaii time, on The Stream – Al Jazeera America:
High rates of homelessness and incarceration make native Hawaiians the most marginalized community among the island’s diverse populations. Some say federal recognition would allow Native Hawaiians to better advocate for land and resources. However, others argue #Hawaii is illegally occupied by the US so efforts should instead focus on independence. With such divergent views, how should native Hawaiians move forward? Join the conversation at 7:30pmET.
Dr. Keanu Sai and Keala Kelly (director of Noho Hewa) will be featured guests.
Update: Here’s the blog from the live streaming event with some FB and Twitter comments…

Aloha Kakou,
The Hawaii International Forgiveness Day will honor our Queen Lili’uokalani as a model of forgiveness on August 4th, 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the State Capitol Rotunda.
Queen Lili’uokalani was a woman ahead of her time. She is still relevant and her message so critical today. Our Queen chose to rise above all the huge challenges and make a choice for the best interests of all her people. She did not to go to war and took the high road. In our souls, we know this to be true and that is why we love, honor and appreciate her for all that she stands for. When we choose to move past our own anger and hurt, we can gain a higher level of effectiveness in our work.
We are planning to make ti leaf lei at this event that will be large enough to surround Iolani Palace as a tribute to our Queen, on her birthday. We need your help with the following tasks.
Locate and pick ti leaves
Prepare ti leaves:
Debone and soften the leaves (freeze, microwave, leave in the sun)
Bring it to the State Capitol on August 4th
August 4th, 2 – 5pm, State Capitol Rotunda:
Demonstrate how to make ti leaf lei with a small group
Participate in the event
Please call Brad Kaimi Lum at 723-9154 or Evern Williams, 392-1486 if you can kokua.
Evern Williams, Vice President
Ka Lei Maile Alii Hawaiian Civic Club
Latest episode of Kanaka Express hosted by Kale Gumapac with guests Dextor Kaiama and Dr. Keanu Sai, discussing the recent PBS Insights show on the Hawaiian Roll Commission, among other topics.
Haven’t read this book myself and can’t vouch for it, but it has a relevant theme/setting so I figured I’d share it for anyone who is interested…
Begin forwarded message:
From: Hermann Schachtschneider <>
Subject: Sovereignty Restoration Day: Free eBook Giveaway July 27 through July 31, 2013
Date: July 26, 2013 11:49:29 PM HST
FREE July 27 though 31: Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii
To commemorate the 170th anniversary of the end of British occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Hermann Schachtschneider will be giving away free copies of his new Christian novel, Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii, available for Amazon kindle.
Continue reading Sarah’s Kine Justice, A Story of Modern Hawaii