This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
International Cry (“Essential news and film on the world’s Indigenous Peoples”) has a review up for Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai’i film by Anne Keala Kelly.
There’s so much more to this story–and so few ways for us to hear it.
The award-winning film Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai’i is a good place to start. This independent documentary provides a contemporary look at Hawaiian people, politics and resistance to their systematic erasure. It is a raw, unscripted story that makes critical links between seemingly unrelated industries, and is told from the perspective of Hawaiians.
This is apparently an intercepted/leaked confidential memo sent out by the SCHHA to a select group of recipients which outlines their plan for continuing efforts at federal recognition through an executive order, making SCHHA the recognized “nation” of Hawaiians, and getting DHHL lands and OHA funds.
I can’t verify its authenticity or source of origin myself, but I did double check with the source I received it from who vouched for its veracity. Figure this is information Hawaiians should be aware of…
Update on SCHHA & Roll Commission Strategy for Hawaiian Nation – For Your Eyes Only
Aloha SCHHA Homesteaders,
This is a short update on our strategy for federal recognition of the SCHHA and the recent meetings the Roll Commissioners have held with OHA Trustees and the Hawaiian Civic Clubs.
Years ago, with Robin & CNHA’s help we created a plan for federal recognition under the US Interior process. At that time we changed our name from the Statewide Council of Hawaiian Homes Association to the Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homelands Assembly. Following this name change, Robin submitted to the US Department of Interior an application for Federal Recognition as an Indian Nation. Interior could not process our application because Hawaiians were not Indians.
Now that the Akaka Bill has been amended to say that Hawaiians are Indians, we can take the next step, getting Interior to move on our application. Although the Akaka Bill cannot move in Congress because the House is controlled by Republicans, we can go to Obama to have him issue an Executive ORDER to Interior directing them to move our application. According to Jade, the White House Indian staffers, including Kimberly Teehee have been supportive ever since Obama took office.
The Hawaiian Civic Clubs have approved the Hawaiian/Indian change in the Akaka Bill, and the Roll Commission has hired Aulani Apoliona and Soulee to facilitate with lobbying, we know that the White House will support our initiative. Inouye & Mazie will be assisting on the White House side as well. OHA Trustees have approved the approach and already voted weeks ago to give the Roll Commission about 2 million more dollars. The Kau Inoa registration has been turned over to the Roll Commission and they will send out letters to every Kau Inoa registrant to get their approval for the Roll Commission to use their data for the Roll Commission effort.
We should all be thankful to our sisters Robin, Jade and Mahealani. Jade has done an incredible job in getting Interior on our side, but the feds were happy to assist once they understood we do not need money or land from the USA, only help to move this along.
As SCHHA members we have DHHL land and we can get the funds in OHA set aide for our new nation. This is also a good way for our Hawaiians as well, no need to join one nation, the SCHHA Nation will be “recognized” first and any other Sovereign group can also apply. There are many Indian Nations and there can be many Hawaiian Nations too.
As Senator says, there are many ways to skin a cat. Please share this only with SCHHA members, do not distribute to others including Civic Clubs.We do not have to go to the Congress. There are other ways to get Federal Recognition, including the Indian administrative process. You can find it by googleing 25 CFR Part 83.
Update: Here’s an update from Leon Siu further discussing the authenticity of the memo, and more importantly of the substance of the scheme it reveals.
Aloha kakou,
The controversy is growing over the memo that was recently leaked, revealing a plot by certain parties to be declared a “federally recognized” American Indian tribe so they can create a “Native Hawaiian governing entity” to take control of Hawaiian assets currently under OHA, DHHL, etc. Here is an update:
Learned that both Uncle Soli Niheu and Uncle Wiliama Waiohu have recently passed away. Both were warriors for their country.
Uncle Soli was a wise contrarian who always made sure the grassroots reality view was heard.
And Uncle Wiliama was a regular presence in many Ohana Council/Nation of Hawaii and kupuna gatherings and conventions back in the 90s, often alongside Auntie Helen Hoopai, always observing from the side and sharing mana’o quietly but firmly, a pure Hawaiian with a pure heart, who also made sure those of us non-Hawaiians present felt fully comfortable and welcomed.
Aloha ‘Oe, Uncle Soli and Uncle Wiliama.
Update: There will be a celebration of Soli’s life at ʻIolani Palace on Saturday, January 5th 2013. Here’s a facebook page set up in his memory.
Also, here’s Uncle William’s obituary. Visitation will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 8, 2012, at Waiola Church; services will begin at 11 a.m..
Secretary of State Clinton after her remarks at the Foreign Policy Group’s “Transformational Trends 2013” Forum in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 29, made this statement in response to a question about China, in the context of China’s claim to certain territorial seas:
At one point in one of my long discussions about this, one of my Chinese interlocutors said, “Well, we could claim Hawaii.” I said, “Well, go ahead, and we’ll go to arbitration and prove we own it. That’s what we want you to do.”
Interesting… both that the Chinese are raising the issue of Hawaii’s status with the United States’ top diplomat, even rhetorically; and that the U.S. thinks they can prove they own it. So far, no proof we’ve ever seen…
Ku`e signs went on display at Waimea this past Sunday, with wonderful ceremony that lasted for as long as it took for the signs to be laid out. at 1 pm, the reenactment (Ka Lei Maile Alii – the Queen’s Women) was performed before a large and receptive audience, many of whom attended in costume. Royal Order of Kamehameha attended dressed in regalia. it was awesome. Mahalo to Pua Case ma for hosting this fabulous event!
Lynette Cruz has posted photos on Facebook of Ku’e signs at the National Mall earlier this month. These are names of na kupuna that appeared in the 1897 Ku’e petition.
Update: Pono Kealoha posted this video of the event on YouTube.
From: “Keanu Sai, Ph.D.” <> Subject: UPDATE: UN Protest and Demand (South South News) Date: October 26, 2012 7:53:19 AM HST UPDATE. Last week when I was in New York city meeting with an ambassador and an official from the United Nations regarding the Hawaiian Protest and Demand that was filed on August 10, 2012, an invitation was extended to me to do an interview with South-South News about Hawai‘i as a sovereign and independent state. The interview was done this past Friday in New York City and today the video was posted on their website under the title “Experts on Development.” It was a great opportunity to share with a broader audience the prolonged and illegal U.S. occupation of the Hawaiian Islands and the impact it has today from a legal, political and economic standpoint.
South-South News is an initiative launched in February 2010 during the sixteenth session of the United Nation General Assembly High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation (SSC). The purpose for South-South News is to advance the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through the sharing of best practices in the areas of South-South and Triangular Cooperation. South-South News disseminates news about Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. South-South News is a digital media platform for the countries of the South that is facilitating, connecting, and publishing news on various efforts in sustainable economic and social development to audiences and multiple constituencies not only in the South but also around the world.