This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

La Ho’iho’i Ea – Sovereignty Restoration day

Hawaii: A Voice for Sovereignty – West Oahu Screening

West Oahu Screening of the award winning documentary film


A Voice For Sovereignty

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012 7:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M.


PDF flyer and map


“Hawaiʻi: A Voice for Sovereignty” free screening at Akaku

Hawaiʻi A Voice for Sovereignty
Catherine Bauknight

Join Akakū for a free screening of Catherine Bauknight’s, Hawaiʻi A Voice for Sovereignty, on Saturday, July 14, 2012.

KAHULUI, HI – On Saturday, July 14, 2012, Akakū is honoring three local community leaders, Kumu Keliʻi Tauʻā, Uncle Richard Hoʻopiʻi and Amy Hānaialiʻi Gilliom, at its 2nd Annual Maui Walk of Heroes. The celebration will conclude with a free screening of Catherine Bauknight’s award-winning film, Hawaiʻi A Voice for Sovereignty. The movie will be featured at 8:00 p.m. outdoors at 333 Dairy Road in Kahului.

Continue reading “Hawaiʻi: A Voice for Sovereignty” free screening at Akaku

Kaho’olawe Video Archive

A Hawai‘i People’s Fund grant to Na Maka O Ka ‘Aina helped support the re-mastering and archiving of video documentation of the movement to protect the island of Kaho‘olawe from 1976–1992.

Visit Na Maka’s Hawaiian Voice channel to view clips from the Kaho‘olawe Video Archive. (just click HERE)

They include:

Tribute to George Helm and Kimo Mitchell
On March 6, 1982, five years after the disappearance of George Helm and Kimo Mitchell in the seas off the island of Kaho’olawe, the Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana held a tribute to the two men at ‘Iolani Palace in Honolulu.
Representatives from the Helm and Mitchell families along with community members, singers and musicians from Kaua’i, Maui, Moloka’i and Hawai’i island joined their O’ahu compatriots in remembering the legacy of George and Kimo and the actions of many others who worked peaceably to stop the U.S. military bombing of Kaho’olawe.

Kaho‘olawe Aloha Aina: George Helm

Produced in 1977 by the Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana, this program features scenes from the last years of the life of George Jarrett Helm, Jr. as he worked tirelessly to stop the bombing of Kaho’olawe and inspire others to take up the cause of Aloha ‘ina (love and protection of the land).

Video of his classroom presentations, musical performances, speeches and interactions with government are supplemented with news stories and location shots of early occupations of Kaho’olawe. Video footage by Kevin Coates, Stephen Morse, KGMB, KHET and Videololo. Edited by Joan Lander. Produced by Ken Yasso.

From Annexation To Occupation – A Visit With Tom Coffman

Community Report – Int’l Women’s Network Against Militarism

Religious Vigil at Iolani Palace

From: Hank Hawaiian [mailto:hankhawaiian @]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: Invitation


Iolani Palace

June 30-July 1 2012

9:00am till 9:00pm


Aloha Kakou,

This is an open invitation to participate in a Religious Vigil at Iolani Palace. There are many subjects than need our clear observation and centered direction. We hope to have lively pro and con discussions on matters than concern all of us. Our discussion need to be but not limited to items like the “Rolls Commission”, Military Expansion, Land, Water, recent legislation depriving or limiting environmental laws, Contested cases, treatment of our sacred lands, our ability or disability to protect our Kupuna Iwi, Prisons, Corrections Corporation of America, Development of a Puu Honua at the old Kulani Prison site, Geo-thermal development, Bio fuels, the fencing off of acess to the mountains and the ocean, open ocean fish farms, GMO’s, National Parks, Thirty Meter Telescope, the Rail, OHA’s/Sate land deal… to mention a few.

We call upon those who have information on any number of items up for discussion or those items you would like to have discussed to come to the aid of our people in this troubling time. A PONO course has to be forth coming to firmly address these poor behavioral patterns of the legislative and executive branches of the state, private/public land and ocean development agreements, Depletion and exploitations, reassignments of authority over our limited natural resources.

There is no doubt that all of us see the problems. We need to unify. Please come, put skin on the table, bring your best ideas, your information and abilities, combined with spiritual mana and your belief in yourself and others to perpetuate PONO.

I am Hanalei Fergerstrom from Moku O Keawe. I have the necessary permits, and have assumed all responsibilities for the conduct of those participating with me. We have three canopies and some seats. You will have to bring your own means of comfort like chairs, mats, etc. We have not planned for food or drink, perhaps you can help.

Please circulate this invitation widely so we can all see from many directions. Come with Aloha…You are all welcomed.

E Hawaii Au,    Uncle Hank

808 938-9994

Kamau A‘e: A fundraising event for Hawai‘i People’s Fund

Kamau A‘e
A fundraising event for Hawai‘i People’s Fund
Sunday, June 10, 2012
2:00 Matinee
Kumu Kahua Theatre • 46 Merchant St. at Bethel
Live Performance • Local Theatre
Parking on street or $3 in Harbor Court
 In 2007 a Hawai‘i People’s Fund audience was spellbound at the staging of  
Kamau, a play by Alani Apio, produced by Kumu Kahua Theatre.
Kamau A’e is the second in the trilogy and we invite you to return for this stirring drama.
A Hawaiian family faces difficult choices amidst
holding on to their culture, connecting with activists in the sovereignty movement,
creating a future for their children, and protecting the land.
Support the work of Hawai‘i People’s Fund and Kumu Kahua Theatre.
Enjoy stellar performances, thought-provoking discussion and deeply moving perspectives.
Following this performance, the playwrite and actors will stay for
a conversation with the audience in the intimate setting at KKT.
Please join us! Tickets are $30 each.
Return the printed form with a check or credit card information by June 5.
Donate online by clicking the red button below.
(just tell us how many tickets you are ordering in the Special Event box)
You can also call us with a credit card payment: 593-9969 (Visa or MasterCard).
 Seating is quite limited, so please get your tickets early.
Mahalo for your support!

“Hawaii: A Voice for Sovereignty” screening 5/13 in NYC

From: Leon Siu <leon @>

Subject: Hawaii A Voice for Sovereignty screening

Date: May 7, 2012 11:50:30 AM HST

Aloha Kakou,

Aloha from the 11th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at the UN headquarters in New York City.

Attached is a flyer and an info sheet for the screening of the film, Hawaii A Voice for Sovereignty, at 3 PM on Sunday, May 13 at the American Indian Community House, 134 W. 29th Street, New York City.

Right after the screening of the film, I will be doing a Q&A and informational briefing about the current situation with respect to the restoration of Hawaiian independence.

For those of you who have ohana and friends in the New York City Area…please let them know about this upcoming event and encourage them to attend.

A hui hou,
Leon Siu

HVS_PressRelease_NYC120513 (PDF)


Healing of the Hawaiian Nation Retreat in Kipahulu this weekend

From: LeeAnn Paman <leepaman @>
Subject: Hawaiian Nation Retreat 2012

An invitation is extended to all Kanaka Maoli, Hawaiian Nationals and Citizen Applicants of the Lawful Hawaiian Kingdom to participate in a

Healing of the Hawaiian Nation Retreat
April 27 – April 30, 2012
at Ohe’o in Kipahulu

All participants are encouraged to come and set up their campsite on Friday, April 27.

Just drive up to the gate at the Haleakala National Park and mention the retreat.  You will be directed to the camping area.  If you arrive after 5pm, just drive on down to the campground. There is no entrance fee this weekend.

The Retreat will open with a welcome dinner at the Kipahulu Triangle on Friday evening.  A schedule of events for the weekend will be announced during or after dinner.

For more information you may contact LeeAnn Paman at 268-9022.

God Bless!

Aloha Kekahi i Kekahi
(Love one another)