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From Dr. Sai… UPDATE: AUGUST 16, 2011 — On August 12, 2011, Appellees (Clinton, Gates and Willard) filed with the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit a Appellee’s Reply in Further Support of Their Motion for Summary Affirmance. Appellees are claiming that the Appellant (Dr. Keanu Sai) does not understand the political question doctrine. Appellant argues it is in fact the Appellees that do not understand the political question because they are using it to protect a “political decision” made in 1898 to annex the Hawaiian Islands. Appellee cannot use the court to protect a “political decision” that violated the Lili`uokalani assignment and call it a political question. Appellant’s case centers on the violation of the 1893 Lili`uokalani assignment and the tort injuries suffered as a result of the President not faithfully executing this sole-executive agreement. What the President did five years later 1898 to seized the Hawaiian Islands for military purposes during the Spanish-American War cannot be protected as argued by the Appellees, even if it affects the legal status of President Obama who cannot claim to be a natural born Citizen. Kumu Kahua announces its 41st season, including…
Follow the link above for more about the theater, ticket info, etc. or visit the Kumu Kahua Theater website.
From Dr. Sai… UPDATE: AUGUST 5, 2011 — On August 4, 2011, the Appellant filed with the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit a Appellant’s Reply to Motion for Summary Affirmance. In the Reply, Appellant addresses the political question doctrine relied upon by Appellees and why it is a flawed argument. Appellant requests the Court to deny the Motion for Summary Affirmance and remand the case back to the U.S. District Court for trial. To read more about the federal lawsuit and pleadings go to Molokai Dispatch has an article on Henry Noa and the reinstated Hawaiian nation. Sai v Obama update From Dr. Sai… UPDATE: AUGUST 1, 2011 — On July 22, 2011, the Appellees filed with the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit a Motion for Summary Affirmance. Appellees are asking the Appellate Court to affirm the U.S. District Court’s determination that Appellant has presented a political question that prevents the court from adjudicating Appellant’s lawsuit. The Appellate Court gave Appellant until August 4, 2011 to file its Reply to the Motion. Today is “La Ho’iho’i Ea,” also known as Restoration Day, the day in 1843 when Admiral Thomas restored the Hawaiian Kingdom by symbolically lowering the British Union Jack and raising the Hawaiian flag thus restoring sovereignty to King Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha II) who stated the famous motto of “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono.” Time: July 31, 2011 from 12pm to 5pm 12pm Opening Flag Ceremony, Narrated by Baron Ching, Music by John & Jamaica Osorio Entertainment (Stage Manager, Imaikalani Winchester): Discussion Tent (Facilitator, Ilima Seto-Long): Cultural & Educational booths (Administrator, Katie Kamelamela & Makaala Rawlins): Hands on activities: 5pm Ernie Cruz, Closing Ceremony Gov. Abercrombie today signed into law SB1520, which was created by the state legislature as a state-level substitute for the Akaka Bill once the Republicans took over Congress and it became apparent that the window had closed for any hope of a federal recognition bill passing any time soon. It spends several pages recounting the history of the state’s relationship with Native Hawaiians, including mention of “the Sovereignty Advisory Council, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council, and Native Hawaiian Vote, and the convening of the Aha Hawai’i ‘Diwi (the Native Hawaiian Convention)” which were all variations on the same theme, the state trying to facilitate some process for “Native Hawaiians” to organize a government. They had with varying levels of participation and none of them actually resulted in much as far as ongoing process or established institutions, but they were part of an evolving dialogue and educational process. But we really have been through this before already, for good and bad, and I get a bit of deja vu with this bill. Even with OHA itself, OHA is described in this bill as a “trust vehicle to act on behalf of Native Hawaiians until a Native Hawaiian governing entity could be reestablished…” and before Rice v. Cayetano there was already a roll of eligible voters in the OHA election, with basically the same criteria, which was just a subset of the whole state election roll. Anyway, then it has the formal statement of recognition.
The bill then establishes “a five-member Native Hawaiian roll commission within the office of Hawaiian affairs” appointed by the governor and nominated by “qualified Native Hawaiians and qualified Native Hawaiian membership organizations.” One member must come from each of the four counties, with one member at-large. The commission then compiles and publishes a roll which
Then it has the disclaimers, including ”
So that’s the bill. Here’s the AP initial breaking news article and the state senate news release in the Molokai Dispatch. There’s also an op-ed piece in the UK Guardian by J Kēhaulani Kauanui which expresses an opposing argument from a pro-independence perspective. Update: here’s the full report from the Star-Advertiser. (I’ll share some of my own thoughts about the bill when I get together soon.) KEEP HAWAIIAN LAND IN HAWAIIAN HANDS COME ANAHOLA documentary film and WAHINE NOA book signing: at Books, Nooks and Crannies – July 15 – 6:00 PM |
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