This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Team Hawaiian Kingdom? Activists want some U.S. Olympians to surf for a different homeland

After decades of whitewashing, sovereignty activists say, the effort is part of an attempt to reclaim the sport’s cultural and spiritual importance in its place of birth.

As surfing made its Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games on Sunday, Native Hawaiians are hoping the global spotlight on the contest will bring attention to what they call the whitewashing of their national sport and the exploitation of their homeland. 

For the past three years in the run-up to the Tokyo Olympics, sovereignty activists from the academic and surfing communities have petitioned the Games to allow surfers who are Hawaiian nationals — anyone who can trace their roots to the Hawaiian Kingdom before its overthrow in 1893 — to compete for the Hawaiian Kingdom instead of the United States. The request is largely an effort to reclaim the sport’s cultural and spiritual importance in the place of its birth. 


Hawaiian Kingdom & Aloha ‘Aina contemporary land struggles

JOIN US this Monday, July 26th @ 4pm Hawaii Time/8pm MT/10pm ET for LANDBACK U’s Session 2 on the Hawaiian Kingdom & Aloha ‘Āina – Contemporary Land Struggles 🌺

You can register here:

This conversation will focus on contemporary land struggles in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It will be facilitated by Kaho’okahi Kanuha & Andre Perez – Ke’eaumoku Kapu of Ohana o Kaua’ula & Skippy Ioane of Kingslanding Village. ⚡

LANDBACK #LANDBACKU #DefendDevelopDecolonize

Lā Ho’iho’i Ea – Waianae

Lā Ho’iho’i Ea – Ka’anapali

Aloha ‘Oe Haunani-Kay Trask

October 3, 1949 – July 3, 2021

La Ho’iho’i Ea at Mauna Kea

Lā Ho’iho’i Ea at ‘Iolani Palace

Dr. Keanu Sai to Present on the Hawaiian Kingdom, United States and International Law on April 8

Dr. Keanu Sai will be covering in his presentation some of the subjects in his latest article “Setting the Record Straight on Hawaiian Indigeneity” that was recently published in volume 3 of the Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Dr. Sai asked that everyone read the article before his presentation on April 8, 2021.

7:30pm Indian Standard Time (IST) is:

10:00am Eastern Time

7:00am Pacific Time

4:00am Hawai‘i Time

Dr. Sai’s presentation will be via Zoom:

Zoom Link
Password: JGU

Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio: This Is the Way We Rise | In The Making | American Masters | PBS

The Law of Occupation