This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


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Ku’e Action at State Legislature

Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:25:27 -1000

Subject: Ku’e Action at State Legislature

From: Leon Siu <>

Committee of Hawaiian Nationals

Ku’e Action at State Legislature

Aloha kakou,

Today was another day of victory for the Committee of Hawaiian Nationals and for all who labor on to Free Hawaii from the bondage of U.S. domination.

As thousands gathered at the State Capitol for the opening of the legislative 2011 session of the “State of Hawaii,” a small group of us were there to remind them that theirs is actually a “State of Hewa.”

Continue reading Ku’e Action at State Legislature

Army ends live-fire training at Makua

Star-Advertiser reports:

The last company of soldiers may have stormed the hills of Makua Valley with M-4 rifles blazing, artillery whistling overhead, mortars pounding mock enemy positions and helicopters firing from above.

After battling environmentalists and Hawaiian cultural practitioners since at least the late 1980s, the Army said this week it is acceding to community concerns and no longer will use the heavy firepower in Makua that started multiple fires in the 4,190-acre Waianae Coast valley and fueled a number of lawsuits.

KU’E ACTIONS for Jan. 16, 17 and 19

KU’E ACTIONS for Jan. 16, 17 and 19

From: The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals

(Pilipo Souza, Pomai Kinney, Kahumoku Flores…)

Contact: Pilipo Souza at 358-6428

Aloha kakou,

The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals invites you to the following Ku’e (oppose, object, resist, protest) Actions planned for next week. These public demonstrations serve as a reminder that events of 118 years ago deprived us of our country, and we are here to say “give it back,” “FREE HAWAII”. You are most welcome to join us. The more, the better!

January 16, 2011 – Sovereign Sunday – KU’E on the 118th anniversary of the U.S. Invasion. This protest action is a reminder that on this day in 1893 fully armed United States Marines landed in Honolulu, an act of foreign aggression in blatant violation of Hawaii’s sovereignty. It is a call to make pono the hewa.

ACTION: HOLDING BANNERS AND SIGNS – This ku’e action is to demand the return of our country – FREE HAWAII.

9:00 AM        Meet at Beretania Street fronting Fake State Capitol to hold FREE HAWAII, HAWAIIAN INDEPENDENCE banners and signs

9:45 AM          Assemble at Queen Liliu’okalani statue to honor her, then proceed to Iolani Palace grounds for …

10:00 AM        People Talk (see flyer)

January 17, 2011 –  Monday – Dr. Martin Luther King Day Events. On January 17, 1893, a faction of merchants and sugar barons, backed by the invasion force of US Marines that landed the day before, forced Queen Lili’uokalani to yield her ruling power to the U.S. and seized control of the Hawaiian Kingdom government. Coincidentally, the annual Martin Luther King Day parade and rally is being held on January 17 this year and The Committee of Hawaiian Nationals will participate in this event to draw attention to our efforts to FREE HAWAII.



6:30 – 7:30 AM Set-up at Queen Kapiolani Park / make pono; Check with Pomai Kinney / Display must be ready by 9:00 AM. Please bring your own chair to sit. We will have a few.


8:00 AM          Marchers  to meet at Magic Island, Ala Moana Park  / Check with Pilipo / Park your vehicles at Magic Island, Set up banners/signs

Wear good walking shoes/ FREE HAWAII T shirts

9:00 AM          Parade begins at Ala Moana Park

Parade route Ala Moana Blvd. to Kalakaua Ave. to Queen Kapiolani Park.

Parade should end by 11:00 AM

Pilipo to shuttle marchers back to Magic Island to pick-up their vehicles.

10:30 AM        Help to man “FREE HAWAII” booth at Kapiolani Park.

3:00 PM           Pau. Break down. Pule Kakou / Move out!

January 19, 2011 – Wednesday – Ku’e at opening of the Fake-State Legislature

ACTION: HOLDING BANNERS AND SIGNS AT THE FAKE-STATE CAPITOL – This ku’e action on the opening day of the fake state legislative session is to make state officials aware that Hawaiian Nationals demand the return of our country – FREE HAWAII.

8:00 AM          Meet at Punchbowl Street side walkway to the Queen  / make pono

Set up banners/ signs (FREE HAWAII, FAKE STATE, etc.)

8:30 AM          Begin Walk to Queen Liliu’okalani statue, pause. Walk through the state capitol rotunda to Beretania street. Back and forth.

9:00 AM          Deliver FREE HAWAII message to Governor and legislators.

10:00 AM        Opening ceremonies in both chambers of the State Legislature

Mahalo piha,

Pilipo Souza


Sovereign Sunday at `Iolani Palace

Reactions to Akaka Bill demise

Star-Advertiser has an article with reactions to the Akaka Bill’s failure to pass and unlikelihood of passing anytime in the near future, with the usual supporters from the senator and OHA/CNHA, and the usual right-wing opponents represented here by Bill Burgess, and includes one independence perspective at the end:

Leon Siu, minister of foreign affairs for an entity calling itself the Hawaiian Kingdom, said he is pleased the bill died.

“It is a totally inadequate remedy for the wrongs committed against the Hawaiian people and taking of the Hawaiian nation. … If the bill had passed, it would have immersed us further in the U.S. system.”

He said the real remedy is to “extricate ourselves from the U.S. system and to restore the sovereignty and independence of the Hawaiian nation.”

OHA to move ahead with nation building

Star-Advertiser reports

Native Hawaiian leaders plan to start forming their own new but unrecognized government following the failure of federal legislation to do so.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee Haunani Apoliona on Tuesday called for the state-funded agency to sign people up to enroll as participants in the formation of a future Hawaiian government.

A previous effort, called Kau Inoa, gathered 108,000 signatures of people showing interest in a Hawaiian governing entity, but this new process will go a step further by creating the structure of the Hawaiian government.

Eventually, Congress would be asked to recognize the Hawaiian government, granting it a degree of sovereignty to create its own laws and manage its resources.

Native Hawaiians are the last remaining indigenous people in the United States that haven’t been allowed to establish their own government, a right already extended to Alaska Natives and Native American tribes.

Federal recognition for Native Hawaiians, known as the Akaka Bill, hasn’t received a vote in the Senate this year, and it likely will be shelved after newly elected Republicans take office next month.

Study requested for Native Hawaiian government

From the Star-Advertiser

A federal government spending measure pending in the U.S. Senate calls for a study on forming a Native Hawaiian governing entity.

The one-sentence language mandating the study was inserted into a $1.27 trillion appropriations bill that’s expected to be considered this week.

The study’s unspecified cost would be paid by the Department of the Interior.

It would involve community and government groups to recommend a mechanism for the reorganization of a Native Hawaiian governing entity, with recognition of that entity by the United States as an Indian tribe.

Hawaii Sens. Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka have said they’re also trying to pass legislation creating a Hawaiian government this year, but time is running out for the bill to be considered.

Update 12/17: Omnibus spending bill is dead, and Akaka bill study funding along with it.

Article “Sai v. Obama, et al: Hawaii’s Legal Case Against the United States”

Check out this good article by Jon Letman in “Sai v. Obama, et al: Hawaii’s Legal Case Against the United States” reviewing Keanu Sai’s legal case against the United States, with some other perspectives on the case and it’s ramifications.

Report of Ku’e Action Protesting Abercrombie’s Inauguration at ‘Iolani Palace

From Leon Siu…

December 6, 2010

Report of Ku’e Action Protesting Abercrombie’s Inauguration at ‘Iolani Palace

The Ku’e Action was fantastic!  At about 9:30 AM our gang processed mauka on Mililani Street sounding the pu and flying hae Hawaii and banners. The procession crossed over King Street and we situated ourselves right at the main gate of the palace. The small side gate was the only point of entrance for the guests and public. About six HPD officers who were standing in the driveway moved aside and eventually disappeared, leaving the front gate for us to occupy.

Continue reading Report of Ku’e Action Protesting Abercrombie’s Inauguration at ‘Iolani Palace

Sai v Obama – Civic Clubs Acknowledging Queen Lili`uokalani’s Agreements

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: DECEMBER 2, 2010 — On November 13, 2010, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at their annual convention at the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort & Spa, Island of Hawai`i, unanimously passed Resolution No. 10-15 titled Acknowledging Queen Lili`uokalani’s Agreements with President Grover Cleveland to Execute Hawaiian Law and to Restore the Hawaiian Government. The resolution not only acknowledged the Lili`uokalani assignment and the Agreement of Restoration as binding executive agreements upon the successors in office of President Cleveland, but also acknowledged the federal lawsuit: “WHEREAS, this agreement is called a sole executive agreement under U.S. constitutional law and is the basis of a federal lawsuit in Washingtion, D.C., filed by David Keanu Sai against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Admiral Robert Willard, and Governor Linda Lingle on June 1, 2010.” The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs was founded in 1918 by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana`ole and is comprised of a confederation of fifty-eight (58) Hawaiian Civic Clubs located throughout the State of Hawai`i and in the States of Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Washington State, Tennessee and Texas.